Komentar :
Cules UNY (02/06/2018 06:02)
Omah Munir. Museum/rumah perjuangan Munir sebagai pejuang, pegiat Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia. Museumnya sangat mudah dijangkau dan terletak dipinggir jalan raya sehingga mudah dijangkau oleh kendaraan bermotor. Saya sangat terbantu dengan adanya Omah Munir mengenai masalah Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia ketika masa Munir berjuang. Kami melawan lupa, Cak!
Patricia lt (09/03/2018 05:19)
You can read all the true story about: How's Munir killed.
Anik Lailatul Muniroh (06/12/2017 03:40)
This museum is the one and only of Human Rights Museum in Indonesia and probably also in South East Asia. It is built for tribute to the Munir Said Thalib as the hero of human rights.
Samuel Edyson (11/08/2017 12:56)
This is a great exhibition showcasing stories of how Munir defend human rights against many elements of government. Be sure to donate as family members of Munir are still fighting to make things right again in the unfinished cases against Munir. Indeed the father of human rights he is!
reymond kukus (10/08/2017 03:02)
A place to remember our father of civil right. Mr. Munir widely known for his determination to fight human rights violence. Please do respect and pay a visit.
Nuradia Puspawati (07/06/2017 17:27)
Good place to memorize Munir, the strong human-right fighters in Indonesia. There are a lot of Munir's personal belongings, books, and also a complete chronology of his murder which is unclear-revealed until now..
Nunung Afu'ah (14/08/2017 11:50)
The first human rights museum in Indonesia. You must visit this place when coming to Batu
Hatmi Pratiwi (12/07/2017 06:58)
#menolaklupa, museumnya keren tentang masalah2 HAM yg diselesaikan munir, banyak pelalajaran yg bisa diambil, di museum ini juga ada perpustakaannya, dan masuknya GRATIS 😄, cukup isi biodata aja pas masuk.
Andi Brata (15/06/2017 09:19)
Museum yang menyimpan segala atribut alm.Munir semasa hidup. Tempat sejarah yang harus ada kunjungi ketika di Batu.
kanti wisnuwardhani (27/05/2017 02:01)
Must visit to understand the atrocity of Soeharto's regime or The New Order Regime and what Munir and his fellow human rights activists had fought for. Their sacrifices were not meant to be taken for granted by today's society.
Tirta Hutomo Sinudarta (13/02/2017 14:43)
Banyak cerita dan barang barang kenangan Saudara Munir. Salah satu museum untuk menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan.
Ye Rachma (03/02/2017 01:02)
yuniar lidiawati (27/01/2017 23:03)
rumah menolak lupa
budi ningsih (27/01/2017 19:00)
Tempat menolak lupa munirr..
Endri Sulaksono (27/01/2017 12:51)
It's really informated and educated place ...should visit this place ....✌👍
Curio Cherry (06/09/2016 17:42)
Tempat yang penuh inspirasi dan informasi tentang pendidikan, sejarah dan perkembangan HAM di Indonesia.
Andre Alvis Z P (21/07/2016 16:18)
Tokoh HAM