Komentar :
Wahyu Nahdianto (24/10/2017 07:56)
It is not just a park, hotel, and tourist destination, but it is the best open stage arena in East Java. It is often used as musical performances, dance and colossal drama, as well as international events. You can see the stage is special, the background is the elegance of Mount Penanggungan.
Villa Murah Batu (11/08/2017 07:17)
Edohero Hero (23/07/2017 18:51)
yudhi guntoro (17/01/2017 01:02)
comfortable but far from recreational place
Budi Santoso (07/08/2016 23:52)
Ye Rachma (02/09/2017 21:46)
Bangunan lawas yang multifungsi, kantor UPT, penginapan, stage yang luas di belakang gedung recepsionist yg representatif untuk berbagai event. Biasa jadi spot fotografi masyarakat sekitar. Beberapa bangunan rusak dan tidak terawat menambah kesan agak suram.
Paulina Paulina (11/04/2017 15:31)
Tempat nya indah
Randy Saefudin (22/03/2017 08:52)
Tempat jamnas ASFI 2 .
Titi Setya (02/02/2017 19:10)
Mochamad Rochim (30/12/2016 11:57)
Tempat serba guna