Komentar :
Alief Kusumaningtyas (28/02/2020 06:29)
delicious donut ????????
AGUS PRANOTO (04/02/2020 05:41)
achmad ariezki (31/12/2019 00:17)
The taste is below good. What's good about this donut store is you can order with "message or birthday wish" written on it and it's cute.
Mas Setyo (10/12/2019 08:23)
Gofood nya gacor
Yati Hartini (11/09/2019 11:58)
Donat ucapan isi 15 harganya cuma 40k. Rasa donat labu ini enak, lumer, cukup manis. Varian yang lain juga tidak mengecewakan. Hanya sayang tidak menjual donat satuan. Dan tempatnya cukup kecil jadi tidak bisa buat hangout bareng teman.
Kak E L (22/03/2018 09:27)
Pumpkin is one of the vegetables included in the cucurbitacea group. This type of vegetables are familiar in the community, even at this time many people who make processed foods with basic ingredients of pumpkin. Pumpkin fruit has a delicious flavor and a distinctive aroma and texture of soft flesh when it is cooked. In addition to the delicious taste, pumpkin contains many nutrients such as vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin B, vitamin C, carbohydrates, fiber, folic acid, iron, protein, calcium and potassium. Nutritional content is certainly very beneficial for health.
Latifah Nurhayati (29/11/2017 10:47)
Donuts donust
sakti kemponk (29/07/2019 02:24)
Biasanya beli ini buat oleh oleh pas waktu main kerumah mbahnya anak anak
muh baharuddin (01/07/2019 04:27)
Hachi donuts ialah pelopor donat labu terletak di wates mojokerto samping jalan walau kecil tokonya tapi pembelinya banyak karena rasanya yg enak dan donutx imut2 kece bisa pesan buat ultah ucapan dll harga juga murmer 35k dapet 15 donut mini dengan varian rasa berbeda2
Samsul Antara (09/06/2019 06:53)
Donat yang gak bolong tengahnya tapi jadi donat langganan, rasanya enak, murah harganya. Bisa bikin ucapan di donatnya. Mantul
Randy Eko Lutvian (22/03/2018 09:27)
Pumpkin is one of the vegetables included in the cucurbitacea group. This type of vegetables are familiar in the community, even at this time many people who make processed foods with basic ingredients of pumpkin. Pumpkin fruit has a delicious flavor and a distinctive aroma and texture of soft flesh when it is cooked. In addition to the delicious taste, pumpkin contains many nutrients such as vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin B, vitamin C, carbohydrates, fiber, folic acid, iron, protein, calcium and potassium. Nutritional content is certainly very beneficial for health.
AK Square (26/07/2018 10:19)
Gambar donatnya bermacam2, ada yg gambar karakter dan ada yang huruf sesuai dengan custom. Menerima pesanan untuk ultah
nofa arista (24/04/2018 02:28)
Hachi Donuts
Donat labu madu pertama yang ada di Mojokerto
Rasa donatnya enak sekali
Apalagi pas hangat hmmmmm
Yummmmmyyy vanget rasanya
Bisa request gambar yang kita inginkan
Meskipun tidak pakai request gambarnya bagus
Kreatif2 pegawainya
Harganya juga terjangkau sesuai dengan rasa
Randy (22/03/2018 09:27)
Pumpkin is one of the vegetables included in the cucurbitacea group. This type of vegetables are familiar in the community, even at this time many people who make processed foods with basic ingredients of pumpkin. Pumpkin fruit has a delicious flavor and a distinctive aroma and texture of soft flesh when it is cooked. In addition to the delicious taste, pumpkin contains many nutrients such as vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin B, vitamin C, carbohydrates, fiber, folic acid, iron, protein, calcium and potassium. Nutritional content is certainly very beneficial for health.
Anita Rahma (09/03/2018 10:30)
Rasa donat nya sangat enak dan dibentuk berbagai macam animasi jadi sangat lucu dan menambah selera untuk memakannya
Ifan Lorenz (04/03/2018 08:04)
Donat nya enak
Recommended di range harga di bawah 50 ribu
Arik Benk (21/01/2018 03:28)
Produk donat nya recomended
Moch. Tomz (30/09/2017 04:47)
Khusus donat...teksturnya empuk
happy litlesoul (04/09/2017 23:24)
Nagih , ramah , memuaskan
Amelia Nabila (31/05/2017 12:11)
Bisa order donat mini buat acara ultah, graduation, atau sekedar kumpul bareng. Harga terjangkau
Siti Zubaidah (05/04/2017 21:26)
Donuts nya enak. Empuk. Imut* pisan. sampe gak tega utk dimakan :) :D