Komentar :
asyari dwi (20/04/2018 11:07)
Convention room ia good.
eko pambudi (09/04/2018 01:33)
Nice place, complete facility, medium average cost
Mie Ongklok (01/04/2018 06:10)
Here for wedding. The hall is small, too crowded for 500 people
arieska anas (13/01/2018 11:25)
Good hotel. It is located in by-pass street which is quite difficult to find because the street is very crowded. So you need to watch on Google maps and look around. Many people say it is not suitable for backpackers. I have no idea if there any public transportation can get you to this hotel.
Nur Laily Ramadhnani (22/12/2017 02:19)
Nice place, good food
kartika alamsyah (24/10/2017 12:09)
Been here several times for karaoke, training and meeting, quite satisfactory food and service. The restroom and prayer room should be improved.
Imam Rahendra Sandhy Al'amin (24/10/2017 06:06)
Good place good food
Firman Last (11/09/2017 14:05)
Good place, well services
Esti Anggono (10/09/2017 01:38)
Good room
John Sirait (09/07/2017 12:01)
Good place to have a drink and socialize with friends
Muh Akhsan (03/07/2017 18:20)
Happy All
Gunawan Santoso (02/07/2017 06:16)
A decent hotel in a small city of Mojokerto. It is located just outside of the city near the famous 'Depot Anda' restaurant.
Agustinus Agus Rianto (19/05/2017 00:33)
Good hotel (good food and room)
Gombez Mbez (29/03/2017 17:32)
I like this
eko sulistioni (15/12/2016 03:22)
Comfort place....
Made Sumastra (12/11/2016 05:28)
Nice place to stay
Kurniawan Wirjaatmadja (04/08/2016 14:43)
Bagus Kasetyono (13/07/2016 18:39)
Comfort place to meet with my colegaue in mojokerto
Tini Rini (08/07/2016 13:15)
Like 👍
Harsah Bahtiar (18/10/2016 23:04)
Bersih nyaman
faizal rakhmadhan (07/09/2016 17:57)
Tempat nyaman
kusdianto 63 (24/07/2016 09:44)
The resort tempat hiburan karaoke & hotel purel nya bahenol mantap broo
Aye Soeleman (30/12/2015 23:33)
Seeeppp tempate ...gokil
Wawan Noordiansyah (27/11/2015 14:12)
Hotelnya ok