Komentar :
Lintar Yulianto (12/04/2018 13:35)
WiFi cepet tapi air panas pas gak nyala 😅
Rifki Handayani (07/03/2018 14:38)
Good homestay. Love to stay here 👌
Wahyu Andi (05/03/2018 00:52)
nice discount, cheap price, love it!
Rahmalialily Destriany (04/01/2018 01:56)
It is near BNS so u can only walk on your feet to get there. The room smells good and hot water is available.
Kania Susan Pramesti (27/11/2017 08:12)
The Place is near BNS (Batu Night Spectacular), affordable price, clean rooms, hot water, cars are ready to be rented, quiet environment. Very nice overall.
Thirasamvaro Evan Prajongko (16/05/2017 19:11)
The place not so wide, but the room is fine, clean, though the parking lot too small
Yayan Yayan (29/06/2017 23:41)
Comfort, and near to tourism object
evan prajongko (16/05/2017 19:11)
The place not so wide, but the room is fine, clean, though the parking lot too small
Kriswanda Krishnapatria (14/05/2017 22:53)
Lumayan enak untuk nginap di Batu
fajar ramadiansyah (14/01/2017 09:05)
Terima kasih darmo homestay, memudahkan liburan saya di kota Batu. Fasilitas nya lengkap, ada sewa motor, mobil antar jemput, room nya juga oke, bersih dan rapi, dapat susu tiap pagi dan dpat tambahan mie instan,kopi,teh,sabun,shampoo. Puas dengan pelayanan disini sesuai dgn budget dan keinginan 👍👍👍
Satya Bunga (29/10/2016 05:23)
This is beyond expectation, for this very low budget homestay they did prove from price came quality is wrong 😁, room was very neat and clean, there was a soap, shampoo and clean towel in the bathroom, ac was supercool (malang is cool already without the ac though 😎), and they even serve fresh milk for breakfast!! For me is a plus!! (beside they have noodlescup, lemon tea and coffee instant), and the most important is the service from all staff (specially Mas Ari) is beyond 5 star hotel, this is the best homestay ever in Batu, Malang, oh and they have a bike rent so will be easier for guest to hang around batu which is very near from all the tourism spot. 6 star guys! 😉
IDD TRANS (15/08/2016 04:51)
not bad
bagus tumblefold (17/06/2016 15:42)
Clean and comfortable homestay
Devri Febrico (09/01/2016 17:05)
The best home stay at batu, I really love it
Orvius SoundLab (11/11/2016 12:49)
Murah, pelayanan ramah, tempatnya bersih, bagus, warna warni. Meskipun terkesan berwarna tapi romantis untuk tempat liburan berdua bersama pasangan. View tidak terlalu bagus, tapi suasananya nyaman dan tentram. Overall recommended.
ANANTA YUDHI (28/06/2016 16:24)
Tyas Soetedjo (05/08/2015 06:32)
Homy bgt, Nyaman, Bersih, Aman, Pelayanan Ramah, Strategis, Sajian seteko susu segar hangat dipagi harinya unik & nikmat, yg pasti biaya nginep murah tp dapetnya lebih. Recomended utk liburan keluarga coz dekat dg pusat main anak2..
Satria Pandu (12/04/2015 10:29)
Bagus dan nyaman