Komentar :
Paat Rionaldy (09/05/2018 03:48)
Tempat cuci mobil
Ronald Rorong (08/05/2018 03:09)
Nice clean
Hendra Herlambang (05/04/2018 23:11)
Enque for early service
Danso Ayhuan (18/03/2018 06:38)
Hari minggu buka.... free wifi... tempat luas.. hidrolik untuk mobil 3 buah.. Bisa juga cuci motor
Alfa Leo (17/03/2018 08:37)
vicky Palk (28/02/2018 02:01)
Harga terjangkau
Donald M (05/12/2017 05:31)
They offer car wash to all kind of cars using their hydraulic lifting machines, so they can clean even the difficult to reach parts on the bottom chasis of the cars.
Ferry D Moningkey (05/12/2017 05:31)
They offer car wash to all kind of cars using their hydraulic lifting machines, so they can clean even the difficult to reach parts on the bottom chasis of the cars.
kisah sondakh (03/12/2017 17:43)
Pekerjanya sangat profesional kebersihan yg terjamin
Jhon Rujofeor Jho (08/11/2017 10:04)
Saya sangat menyukai tempat ini
Kamang Kussoy (26/09/2017 05:16)
Tempat cuci motor dan mobil paling bagus dan bersih
Febrianto kolopita (23/09/2017 10:12)
Buka hari libur, sampai malam..👍
inka bakri (22/08/2017 03:20)
Satriajaya Jaya (29/12/2016 02:47)
Mantap tempatnya bro