Komentar :
Marfel Harimisa (05/06/2018 04:45)
Tempat yg strategis dan harga terjangkau
novrianto tindi (16/05/2018 09:20)
Nice place for hang out with friends and lover
randy rivai (22/04/2018 14:31)
Always enjoyed when I am here... All the menus was great...
Ferdinand Rudolf Odoh (08/03/2018 03:32)
Good food, good place
aldi ulaan (03/02/2018 12:59)
Good coffee, cozy especially at night
Jimmy Annita JA (27/12/2017 09:10)
Enjoy place and good origin coffee
thedy susanto (06/12/2017 13:18)
Good coffee,try the single origin coffee.. Good Goroho Teto(fried banana + Chili sauce), good place, but no air conditioner.
Toar Sanger (27/11/2017 09:29)
Nice place to chill with your friends. Have a good taste single origin coffee
Adelberth Steven (13/08/2017 15:22)
Well made coffee.
Afrizal Rizky (30/07/2017 06:26)
Cozy place with nice coffee
Van Rico (16/07/2017 14:00)
Such a nice place for quality time with your mate's or hanging with your groups 😎
valent besley (26/05/2017 15:49)
Nice place to hang out and enjoy coffee at late night and strategic place
My favorite is kopi susu and pisang goreng sepatu ( 🍌 🍟 👠 )
Her Pratam (02/05/2017 11:03)
nice coffee with a simple place
Emka Northside (19/04/2017 14:41)
Great place, great coffee..
Arthur Stenly (30/03/2017 14:04)
1. Tempatnya cukup nyaman dan strategis hanya sayang tempat parkir susah.
2. Harga makanan & minuman lumayan agak mahal.
3. Jaringan internetnya cukup lamban.
4. Untuk rasa makanan cukuplah.
monalisa Tatoda (11/02/2017 20:10)
Nice place for hanging out with friends while having coffee or tea or snacks. But the noise from traffic outside kinda annoying.
Franc Renaldo Tindangen (24/01/2017 11:22)
Nice place, available for sport watching, wifi availability, and friendly service
RAH Sulasmoro (20/12/2016 00:36)
Enjoying local Manado Coffee
Aryamir H Sulasmoro (20/12/2016 00:23)
Good coffee and environment
Fahrizal Ismail (16/12/2016 04:44)
Ini adalah salah satu tempat kopi yerbaik di kota manado , udah harganya murah-murah , kopinya juga enak , karena mereka memakai biji kopi yg masih fresh lalu di giling sendiri dan di olah , ohh iya , untuk yang latte hot kalian bisa request untuk tulis nama kalian di atas kopi , unik bukan ,karyawan-karyawannya juga ramah , pokoknya bagi yang pecinta kopi tempat ini recomand skali 👍
Yus Gustiana (22/11/2016 10:56)
Dihyatul Bulwafa (16/10/2016 11:57)
Tempat ngopi yang satu ini , banyak menjadi tempat favorit bagi para anak muda karena selain mereka menikmati kopi mereka juga bisa menikmati wifi secara gratis :)