Komentar :
Jefri Tamba (15/04/2018 15:51)
As Starbucks go, this one is great. The staff are friendly and they make a good cup of coffee, it's never too busy so I use it as a place to work and have meetings. However if you want a more unique experience Airport branch has plenty of great independent coffee shops that are well worth a visit.
Muhamad Jabir Sjah (02/03/2018 04:20)
Great Coffee, Super Cozy Place.. Loved it
Eddy Warista (20/01/2018 23:56)
It was good as usual👍
steve weinstein (18/10/2017 06:29)
It's way expensive but if you like Starbucks it's fine. Local coffee is much better
Tim Boende (13/10/2017 06:24)
What can you say. Sulawesi has great coffee, but the airport has Starbucks. If you can't get in airport, waiting for someone or just need a big old cup of sugar and ice with some color of the month...this is the place. Internet works, aircon inside and the normal selection.
Jane Natalia Mekel (07/08/2017 02:20)
Enjoying spicy tuna with english breakfast tea
One of my favourite menu in Here
Comfy place to kill time while waiting for your flight
Hendry D (09/08/2017 08:13)
One of the best place in Sam Ratulangi Airport...
stevanno giovanni (02/08/2017 10:00)
The most lovely place for waiting to boarding in Sam ratulangi airport
Zwingly Otniel Poluan (22/07/2017 02:55)
Sangat membantu, apalagi saat menunggu keberangkatan
Gracey Wakary (25/02/2016 02:09)
Letaknya berada di ujung terminal keberangkatan di Bandara Sam Ratulangi. Tempat ini sangat menyenangkan dijadikan tempat menunggu keberangkatan, ada ruangan ber AC nya dan ada juga tempat ngopi and teh diluar ruangan.
Kopinya enak, dan kebetulan saya pecinta teh maka saat berada disini saya selalu memesan Chai Tea yang harum dan berbau herbal.