Komentar :
fidelis irwan (04/05/2018 09:27)
Nearest, where I can get
Mahendra Clinton B (04/02/2018 16:37)
Mickey Net (01/01/2018 05:27)
Gud Enough ...
Rudolf Rivaldo (30/09/2017 17:56)
Making stuck all trip in afternoon
Kristian Mairi (27/09/2017 02:01)
Good gas station Manado
Glandy Pinatik (22/06/2017 06:36)
Just like normal has station in Manado. Nothing's special. Normally 2-3 cars are queing for pertalite gas. Premium gas is rarely available. No queue at pertamax gas stall.
Enad KNC (26/07/2017 09:01)
fuel station close to politeknik college
Oikos Simanjuntak (11/07/2017 12:07)
Andy P (30/06/2017 23:45)
Good gas quality
Priyatno Gpi (12/05/2017 09:16)
Tempat isi bbm yg komplit... khusus motor untuk isi premium harus sabar antri karena jalurnya digabung dengan antrian mobil.
Gunawan md (24/03/2017 10:30)
Large area, have ATMs and bakery stall
Hadi Sukirman (11/03/2017 03:21)
Quick service but otherwise nothing special about this gas station
John Christo Suwanto (26/02/2017 08:29)
Good gas station
Zulkarnain Blongkod (12/10/2016 04:35)
Tempat luas dan akses mudah. Tersedia mushala dan supermarket disini.
sendy olivia (06/10/2016 03:48)
petugas SPBUnua banyak jadi ngisi bensin tidak butuh antri lama dan untuk kebersihannya termasuk bersih dan nyaman.
Albert Katiandagho (29/04/2016 16:23)
My Live