Komentar :
katiandagho stanly (22/05/2018 11:59)
Nice place to hangout
CHIKO (20/05/2018 08:00)
fun place to hangout, cheap price with delicious food and good service
chelsi stelin (05/05/2018 18:42)
Disini makanannya enak, minumannya enak, harganya murah, pelayanannya bagus, tepatnya nyaman dan romantis. Bisa jadi tempat nongkrong juga.
Robert Sofyan (15/04/2018 18:28)
Setiap hari ada live musik dengan gendre yg berbeda, mantap.
Nasi goreng cakalangnya juga nikmat, sekali makan langsung suka dengan rasannya.-
Novia Merentek (16/03/2018 04:54)
Kopinya kurang enak,, pelayananya agak lama
eINsTein (02/03/2018 19:14)
Cheap and good food, a bit noisy place.
First floor is great and quite enjoyable, waitresses are so so save for the girls who served beers, i saw they did nicely to other customers, maybe because they got paid more than the regular waitresses.
Foods are great, and cheap, the tuna chest tasted great and so does the beef soup, the drinks are so so and not so good, less you order beers.
Overall nice place and did i say cheap? Good food, nice beers and girls, what more can you ask?
xman xxx (14/02/2018 18:03)
karyawan yang putar musik nya norak banget bikin sakit telinga...musik itu dinikmati sambil makan ngobrol bukan musik kayak orang stres...
Bhakti Nagara (24/01/2018 15:26)
brisik.musik di sini bukan untuk menghibur