Komentar :
Soni Setia (28/04/2018 07:08)
Nice shop coffee
Januar D (23/04/2018 07:35)
Great coffee, ask for separate milk
Feby Willem Sumampouw (11/04/2018 08:28)
Nyaman utk ngopi
Biz Terpal (24/03/2018 11:07)
Tempat minum kopi yang Komplit dan harga murah
Bonny Radjab (13/03/2018 05:44)
Great place
Paul Nivico (28/05/2017 08:48)
Nice coffee shop and free wifi
Andrew Lumi (16/12/2016 23:52)
Good coffee and (usually) good food. Make sure to check the bill when you're paying because sometimes the waiter put the wrong items in your bill (happened to me twice).
Fania Rafa (20/10/2017 01:06)
Sangat membantu
Mandagi Junior (05/10/2017 08:54)
Kopi selalu punya cerita...
Mario Kaunang (07/08/2017 02:01)
Roti bakar dan kopinyan enak
Zwingly Otniel Poluan (26/04/2017 14:13)
Tempat nongkrong
Jack Supit (10/04/2017 00:39)
Kopinya nikmat... Patut di coba
arthur rarung (23/03/2017 06:53)
Tempatnya lumayan bisa santai sambil cuci mobil
om eyi (21/11/2016 06:17)
Pelayanan mantap
Klabatstraat (25/01/2016 08:06)
Klabatstraat, Tempat menikmati Kopi dan Teh di kota Manado
Sonny SL (02/08/2016 10:06)
Map on Klabatstraat