Komentar :
Suci Mangadil (05/05/2020 15:54)
I love billiard and friends. So this place our fav place to ply billiard. Lol
Rafidz Channel (17/03/2020 10:10)
The best place for hangout
Garth Koleangan (02/01/2020 08:13)
Everything it's good till the highschooler teenagers come and play
Edward Jacobs (19/10/2019 09:50)
Free room every 350KK of drink
Bifi Hitam (11/10/2019 12:24)
Buy a drink average 400k you get free charge of VIP room, you should ask for this.
Ima Freethinker (06/01/2019 07:14)
Quit and spacious place, would be nice if they can make it with live music and use the space for dancing floor... Have the space and facility why not utilized them???
Meilany Priscilla Pinangkaan (10/06/2019 17:07)
Fun place for doing my hobby
Anto Gagola (02/06/2019 01:54)
Telly Sofia Supit (05/03/2019 03:26)
No matter what I aimed, the stick never touch the target 😂😂😂
FRIESCHE LASUG (17/02/2019 06:50)
great place to play pool..
shinta pawama (23/05/2018 12:00)
Really good service. Instead the Price is achievable
Andreas Rarumangkay (29/05/2018 08:16)
Tempat hiburan paling oke
yefta christiono (24/05/2018 15:53)
Great place to hangout and have fun
Endix Paat (17/04/2018 16:34)
Tempatnya luas
Nathaniel Damond (21/03/2018 08:28)
It's a great place to play Billiard
micky kapoh (11/03/2018 13:35)
Tempat yang pas untuk santai
jerry tambajong (06/12/2017 09:25)
Fajar Hadi Pratama (28/08/2017 15:49)
Lumayan menghibur
santo zheng (07/06/2017 05:49)
Tempat nyaman
Zwingly Otniel Poluan (18/08/2017 03:12)
Tempat nongkrong anak Milenial