Komentar :
dessy melyssa (06/06/2018 10:31)
Cukup lengkap
Rommy Lumatauw (09/05/2018 07:59)
Tempat belanja ikan, sayur, buah dan rempah2 yang fresh.
Hanny Rawung (29/03/2018 14:59)
Sangat baik untuk belanja keperluan harian...
anita sandala (22/03/2018 07:53)
Byk promo dlm rangka HUT
Lisa Bakker (21/02/2018 07:10)
Although price of several items is higher than other market, but at least this place really represents its name. Fresh. You can find all fresh daily products.
Robert Najoan (01/07/2017 10:17)
Fresh product, Fresh Price and Fresh Service
Claudya Alou (17/06/2017 09:07)
Everything is fresh
illan wonggo (21/10/2017 07:21)
Bayar Parkir
Christian MRambitan (07/09/2017 03:38)
tempat parkir ok
Edwin Saputra (04/07/2017 19:06)
Swalayan dengan kebutuhan pokok yang lengkap