Komentar :
sigit black (06/05/2018 05:05)
iAm_Muhammad Achyar (07/02/2018 05:45)
Tempat tenang buat nongkrong sambil menikmati kopi dan sembari menunggu penerbangan
Miko Kawibawa (10/01/2018 00:31)
When you’re on duty of picking up a guest at the airport.. This is the best spot to hang around and wait because you can see all the passengers getting out of the domestic terminal.. they got decent coffee and snacks ... and if you’re using Telkomsel for your mobile carrier 30 mbps in Indonesia is like warp speed 😁
Ismail Lasama (12/12/2017 03:09)
Bersantai sambil menunggu kedatangan garuda dri makassar...
Daniel Leksmana (30/11/2017 23:58)
Excellence cafe
Endix Paat (01/08/2017 21:25)
Fligh MDC-CGK, waiting