Komentar :
Sulastri Ayu (29/03/2018 18:20)
Sudah lumayan untuk Toko besar yang ada di kabupaten kota. Sudah menyediakan tempat kuliner, tempat bermain anak2 dan fashion..
Eki Wahyudi (10/02/2018 14:12)
Pelayanan kurang memuaskan,, dari segi daging tdk mementingkan kehalalan untk umat muslim & harga yg tertera di barcod-barcod terkadang tdk sesuai dgn harga di kasir.
Rotua Nauli (27/12/2017 00:54)
It is way cheaper than stores outside. I visit it when holiday so it was really hot and crowd. The AC didnt work properly. The food court is average. Nothing special. The play zone not awesome at all. But, overall for a strolling or shopping it is good.
fblugten84@gmail.com seffielugten84 (27/09/2017 01:28)
It's a supermarket catered for a small town
Basic products are available no more no less.
Abdul Alief (28/08/2017 10:31)
Place is packed with people, its the only modern supermarket in center of amurang market city. Product might not as complete as big franchise, but its quite enough to get your daily supply here. With bni, bri and mandiri atm close by in the corner of building, lots of gadget stall outside the store, children playground at top floor, it more than enough to bring family for quick shopping.
Julex (02/12/2017 05:55)
Awal di bulan Desember Konsumen mulai banyak muda2han kasir dapat di tambah agar antrian tidak terlalu panjang.
Budi Sardjono (15/10/2017 11:24)
Untuk daerah Amurang ini jadi tempat yang terlengkap terutama untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari.
Lokasinya dekat terminal, mudah dicapai walau dengan kendaraan umum.
Masih perlu perhatian untuk kebersihan etelase dan pengaturan barang-barangnya
rio santoso (05/09/2017 02:00)
Supermarket terlengkap di kota amurang. Mau cari oleh-oleh khas amurang lebih mudah dan nyaman .. bisa datang ke tempat ini
muslimin fajar (04/09/2017 22:15)
bwt belanja
Marai Lumenta (01/09/2017 11:28)
Kurang lengkap
Abdul Alief Alamsyah (28/08/2017 10:31)
Place is packed with people, its the only modern supermarket in center of amurang market city. Product might not as complete as big franchise, but its quite enough to get your daily supply here. With bni, bri and mandiri atm close by in the corner of building, lots of gadget stall outside the store, children playground at top floor, it more than enough to bring family for quick shopping.
Maya Ira Ratuwalangon (12/06/2017 12:44)
Satu - satunya Supermarket di Amurang.
Lukman Ibrahim (29/03/2017 08:33)
Lumayan lengkap isi nya jo
Marissa Badar (06/03/2017 10:35)
Tempat kerjaku...
Mariska Palandeng (16/02/2017 14:23)
Tempat belanja ok
Icat Sangari (25/10/2016 23:48)
Tempat yg cukup populer dan sering menjadi central meeting bagi warga amurang Dan sekitarnya
Calvyn Mamoto (22/07/2016 05:32)
mall di amurang
Deisy Weydekamp (14/07/2016 12:11)
Tempat kerjaku
Dylend Irland (28/09/2016 06:05)
Hendrik Moniaga (15/06/2016 10:23)
Letisia Lahengke (09/03/2015 09:39)
Tempat perbelanjaan keluarga