Komentar :
Satria Adi Praja (28/10/2017 14:51)
Rasa biasa banget. Pelayanan parah.
Andru Alexander (14/05/2017 04:58)
Average for the cat fish. But the chilli is mindblowing
LAM MITO (30/10/2016 06:43)
Makan gurame goreng yg ga garing, sangat2 berminyak dan pahit. Hasil makanan tidak sama dg gambar dikarenakan cara pengirisan ikan yg salah. Sambal ga berasa. Klo lapar sekali dan ga ada tempat lain lagi sih ok lah. Mungkin dekorasi ruangan aja yg menarik perhatian.
Carsten (29/07/2016 18:02)
Top food, best price
Zenran (20/08/2015 11:14)
The foods taste nothing special.. Its like they sell oil not food.. But the spices taste good
Mully Endah (20/01/2017 05:08)
Untuk yang mencari menu nusantara di mall a yani
Florist (20/08/2015 11:14)
The foods taste nothing special.. Its like they sell oil not food.. But the spices taste good
Carsten Sens (29/07/2016 18:02)
Top food, best price