Komentar :
Mustari Starly (01/03/2017 20:51)
Kawasan kulirner malam dan dekat dengan pasar malam
Isal Cancer (21/01/2017 14:12)
Ke maros? Yah makannya disini... Bxk pilihan
Endang Werang (05/11/2016 11:48)
Too noisy, too many kids pushing their goods to sell one after another disturbing you from enjoying your food. Mostly javanese food very less local food. Mosquito bites your legs when you are eating. has problem with parking too.
Irwanidris7 Iwan (13/07/2016 12:31)
Kawasan kuliner maros
Manji lala (07/07/2016 22:08)
Tempatnya asik sih cuma terlalu berisik 😉