Komentar :
Nengsi Oneng (24/12/2019 09:00)
abay muhammad (07/10/2019 03:52)
Gojita (03/10/2019 18:19)
Great store lots of discount and awesome pricess any tourist will love went there about 5 time during my trip to makassar and wish i can go again 1 more time.
Iccank Azis (20/01/2019 02:01)
Prices are still high even with discount.
N Firmansyah (14/12/2018 02:01)
I am not satisfied with the services. They prefer to talk each other (as employee to another) rather than talk with customers. It sucks.
Bathara Tambunan (29/06/2018 16:06)
They call it MaRI.. And MDS's in this place..
Mahuria SMG (02/06/2017 21:29)
the service is quite good and clothes you can buy there are relatively cheap.. They oftently cut the price especially before ied and other holiday
Jorge Ruiz (03/10/2019 18:19)
Great store lots of discount and awesome pricess any tourist will love went there about 5 time during my trip to makassar and wish i can go again 1 more time.
Muhammad Farid Hidayat (04/06/2019 08:10)
Muhammad Asdar (03/01/2019 13:33)
Good sale
ConsLife - F (02/06/2017 21:29)
the service is quite good and clothes you can buy there are relatively cheap.. They oftently cut the price especially before ied and other holiday
Clieford Manuputty (08/12/2018 11:17)
Budi Sembodo (23/05/2018 13:57)
Tiwi Razak (29/04/2018 07:42)
Penjaga kasirnya cuma 1 orang dan yang antri untuk membayar banyak. Banyak pegawai yang lain hanya berdiri sambil cerita
Lhya Nurlhya (11/01/2018 13:08)
Matahari is the best dengan banyak diskon n tempat yg sangat nyaman untuk berbelanja.. 😘
devin jermaine (28/11/2017 07:15)
The service is very excellent, store ambience is good, except the store temperature in some areas
Adil Abdillah (04/11/2017 04:21)
Selalu ramau di akhir bulan karena banyak promo. Matahari pilihan alternatif dengan harga terjangkau dibanding butik dan fashion store lainnya.
Dwi Person (13/08/2017 01:15)
Good. More good and more crowded when "tricky" discount coming
Muh Ikbal NM (30/11/2017 16:59)
Tempat belanja yg sangat banyak promo diskonnya
Abdillah Khomeni (04/11/2017 04:21)
Selalu ramau di akhir bulan karena banyak promo. Matahari pilihan alternatif dengan harga terjangkau dibanding butik dan fashion store lainnya.
Yodi Hanidi (06/07/2017 07:44)
Tempat belanja pakaian favorit keluarga di Makassar
jef koe (10/05/2017 15:22)
Harga kadang lebih mhal
Andi Wijaya (18/04/2017 10:08)
Pilihan utama saat mencari pakaian. Harga berssing dan barang berkualitas.
Andi Ekasari (18/03/2017 07:32)
Harga2nya mulai melambung, ada sih diskonnya tapi harus belanja lagi baru dapat...
Safrina TAAJ (17/03/2017 09:25)
banyak promo nya
Hatorangan Sitompul (23/01/2017 07:20)
Anakku suka beli pakaian disini
Putu Dewi (06/01/2017 12:55)
Ujung pandang matahari
Arie Satria (14/05/2016 04:23)
Banyak diskon tp diskonnya aneh, mungkin dinaikkan harganya terus di-diskon.
arman arifin (20/03/2014 06:58)
sangat memuaskan....