Komentar :
Khairul Umam (08/06/2018 16:44)
This place is definitely recommended. High speed wifi, good coffee, and lot of books. Their first floor is a cafe with many books, second floor has classroom and collaboration room, 3rd floor has meeting room and a seminar room. Love the place.
muhammad ardin fajrin (13/04/2018 13:52)
Thai tea dan green tea nya reccomended
IMRAN (11/04/2018 12:34)
Konsepnya Cafe di lantai dasar dan Co Working Space di lantai atas. Suasana disini lumayan asik. Nda berisik. Cocok untuk sekedar kerja-kerja karena didukung dengan internet yang cukup kencang. Juga tersedia colokan di hampir setiap meja.
Musiknya lumayan. Nda terlalu bising. Selain cocok buat nongkrong sambil kerja-kerja ringan, tempat ini juga nyaman untuk ngumpul-ngumpul teman. Asalkan tidak kebanyakan. Sebab, space yang tersedia terasa agak sempit. Mungkin perlu ditata ulang agar terasa sedikit lega. Nongrong dengan teman sekitar 7 orang terasa sempit.
Overall, bagus sih. Lokasinya juga strategis.
Oh iya, tersedia space untuk lesehan juga. Tapi belum pernah coba.
Nask Hansam (10/04/2018 10:28)
Formerly known as Confianza, now this cafe and co-working space is branded Confie.
I'm not particularly fond of what it serves but I like the meeting rooms on the third floor. You can reserve the room for 3 hours for a minimum order of Rp 100k. The co-working space is available on the second floor and it's also quite affordable compared to other spaces offered by other businesses. The wifi is somewhat good.
What makes me sometimes raise my eyebrows is the fact that the first floor is air-conditioned but it's a smoking room. I hope the owner will take into account visitors' health in operating his business.
Praying room is available on the third floor and the restrooms are good but somewhat dirty.
Faruuq Qayyum (17/07/2017 06:31)
Friendly price, great taste, and free fast wifi
isran asnawi (21/10/2017 14:38)
Ada live music, menu murah, dan slalu ada sharing session nya
tenri wulan (26/08/2017 07:01)
dapat buku ini nihh disini..
Desain Komunikasi Visual....
ternyata cafe ini banyak koleksi bukunya ....
Jusbaeni Gaem (26/08/2017 06:52)
Ternyata kopi khas Vietnam ada di sini. :o
Human Resources (26/08/2017 06:51)
cafe baca yang nyaman. pengen kembali kesini lagi
Nurul Hikmah (26/08/2017 06:48)
Wah, menarik nih !