Komentar :
reza suarga (21/12/2018 09:23)
Bintang secara umum menyediakan aksesoris ponsel beraneka ragam dengan harga terjangkau (mayoritas produk buatan Cina). Khusus Bintang Veteran, antri kasirnya minta ampun, parkiran pun susah.
Sayed Sajjad (14/12/2018 03:57)
It has anythings about phone , accesories ,...
BLACK ΞDGΞ (01/12/2018 09:35)
Not to completed item sell inside..but preety good
hsw21 (19/07/2018 08:45)
good place to buy some acc for your phone and other electronic stuff
Anggie Alamsyah (11/04/2018 02:57)
The shopkeeper need more training to smile
Random Seoul (22/03/2018 12:24)
Not as crowded as the one at pengayoman
Jimmy Hosea (06/03/2018 08:14)
Nice phone shop accessories st Makasar city
Michael Kondengis (24/02/2018 06:48)
The place is a bit small but all the stuff is neatly arranged.
This place has 2 floors.
On the 1st floor available headphones, charger, usb cable, powerbank, and other mobile equipment.
On the 2nd floor is available cassing, screen protector, ring.
Rafail L (09/02/2018 12:10)
handphone accesories, charger, headset. nice place, many item can be compared before buying.
rochmad gunawan (21/12/2017 16:57)
Raja nya asesoris dan perlengkapan HP murah dikota makassar khususnya dan di sulawesi selatan umumnya
Muhammad Yusuf (24/11/2017 05:41)
Cabang baru perusahaan bintang..lebih dekat dr tempat tinggal, sparepart yg di jual disini cukup lengkap..
Nurul Hikmah Safitri (15/11/2017 04:06)
CUKUP lengkap.
Harliantika Pranitha (29/10/2017 06:58)
Buka jam berapa?
Ayu Yuliasari (05/09/2017 15:56)
Tdk ditemukan