Komentar :
Dheny Setiawan (08/06/2018 15:22)
Tempat yg good..untuk kota Manokwari, rekomended deh'.. 🙂😉
deti celico (11/05/2018 04:49)
I love their coffee bean. But I dont like to drink coffee in the cafe. Thay have to train waiters to serve coffee better
aryo winarso (25/03/2018 13:18)
Nice place to relax and have coffee time in manokwari
Fhiina Serwunan (15/03/2018 10:00)
TempatNya santai
Wanda Aceh (18/02/2018 15:56)
Suasana cafe modern, no smoking... jual brg2 racik kopi sendiri
Inggrid Jeane Liem (08/02/2018 05:49)
Tempat nongkrong paling pas saat saat bersantai