Komentar :
Prime Autobot (12/05/2018 01:29)
Awesome place
obet dola (13/02/2018 04:34)
Tpt yg indah untuk berdoa
Ruli Sallata (31/01/2018 11:17)
Bagus . Karena ada pastor Albert dan pastor Yans
Christian Banna (19/06/2017 14:08)
Salah satu Gereja Katolik yg Besar di Toraja... Tempat rapih dan bersih.
yves frombelgium (07/03/2017 15:11)
Pretty church in downtown makala, near the lake...renovation work going on at the moment
Nataniel (28/05/2015 06:15)
very beautiful church in the middle of town. Nice spot to take picture,
Eliaser Frenky (01/01/2016 22:50)
Lusiana Tongli (08/02/2015 06:26)
Indah , apik
frenky law (01/01/2016 22:50)