Komentar :
Good Cafe
Esakti Savsavubun (26/03/2018 02:27)
Lokasinya strategis dan bagus,, menikmati hidangan sambil melihat pemandangan lautan. Cocok utk kumpul2 bersama teman2, sayangnya respon pelayanannya lama, hrs menunggu cukup lama utk orderan datang.
Almascatie Al (24/09/2017 06:00)
best coffee and saraba.
Ilham Penta (23/08/2017 18:57)
Cheap, delicious
N.U. N. (14/03/2017 02:04)
Located at the bridge on kei ketjir side, this place offers a great view on the sea. You should order when you enter the entrance. There is a board with the Menu on it. Try es jeruk (lemon juice). They offer lobster here which costs like 20 dollars. You can never go wrong with Ayam Bakar (chicken). In the middle they keep fishes in nets in the water.
The place doesn't look super neat and there are cats begging for food which is quite annoying. Still it's about your own adventure experience, so don't hesitate to visit this restaurant.
Faruuq Qayyum (15/11/2016 05:36)
This place is situated near the bridge which connected 2 capital cities surrounded by the sea. It is a perfect place to enjoy the sea wind. It offers menu for seafood, traditional deserts, coffees, and cold drinks. However, it takes ages waiting for the order, and sometimes the guest is ignored, thus, guest may have to order by him/herself instead of waiting for the waitress.
givLars Leisubun (23/07/2017 12:27)
"sLah satu tmpat yang sLaLu sya dtangi ykni SARABA CAFE iniii.., stLah beraktifitas seharian sbg seorang jurnaLis, sya mnyempatkn diri utk memproduksi berita2 syaa.. dengan secangkir kopi mampu menghiLangkan smua keLeLahan sya spanjang harii.."
Nhu-Uyen Nguyen (14/03/2017 02:04)
Located at the bridge on kei ketjir side, this place offers a great view on the sea. You should order when you enter the entrance. There is a board with the Menu on it. Try es jeruk (lemon juice). They offer lobster here which costs like 20 dollars. You can never go wrong with Ayam Bakar (chicken). In the middle they keep fishes in nets in the water.
The place doesn't look super neat and there are cats begging for food which is quite annoying. Still it's about your own adventure experience, so don't hesitate to visit this restaurant.
Aly Seram-Ambon (06/03/2017 07:06)
Perlu dicoba "saraba"' nya. minuman jahe yang hangat dengan pisang goreng
abram faith (21/02/2017 09:52)
Tempat nongkrong yg rame.. Minuman andalanya SARABA... ENAK, MENYEHATKAN. HARGANYA MURAH... Pas buat anak muda..
bryan renyaan (29/10/2016 15:11)