Komentar :
Angga Bayu (01/06/2018 20:17)
Gedung rektorat sekarang Kalah tinggi sama gedung2 fakultas
Ahmad Bahrul Ulum (10/05/2018 03:28)
nice place for disscus
Rizka Putri (06/05/2018 02:35)
Photobooth for Maba, and graduation day. Dont come here after rain unless you want your shoes get too muddy. But after, it's such a memorable place for every UB alumni
Nida Nida (15/04/2018 09:06)
The most mainstream place to take your graduation photos
Fina Nihayatul Mazziyyah (03/03/2018 01:33)
Ruang publik yang bagus. Apalagi dulu waktu dipakai buat kegiatan mtqmn xv 2017. Banyak kenangannyaaa 😍
Muhamad Alif Mahfudin (22/02/2018 04:59)
Top deh markotop
Bramantya Mahendra Agus (15/02/2018 16:36)
This place is hot at the noon. It is not recommended to come here when at noon.
There are so many activities that done here. Such as freshmen orientation.
This place is also used to do some training, for example kasti, silat, or you can jog around this place.
Not only for sport, this place is also used by UB' marching band to rehearse at night.
Like, this place is the centre of UB.
Lastly, this place is usually used as photographic spot, especially in graduating event.
G Class (05/10/2017 08:09)
3 ATMs (100.000 Withdraw, 20.000 Withdraw, Deposit Machine)
kharis alfian (28/10/2017 15:43)
Luas dan bersih sampai-sampai nggak ada rumputnya tapi bagus
aan farid (25/10/2017 00:50)
Mantap jiwa
War Hero (27/09/2017 02:29)
Kegiatan pentas brawijaya sering di sini
Tri Wicaksono (05/09/2017 22:52)
Lapangan yang sering digunakan untuk ibadah sholat idul adha dan idul fitri. Beberapa kali juga digunakan sebagai tempat majelis taklim dan maulid juga