Komentar :
Aqidatul Izza (19/04/2018 21:37)
My favorite gas station, there are atms, toilet, and convinient store as well.
ARIEF R (27/12/2017 11:13)
Good service, near ATK N Pizza Hut
Aditya Aulia (17/11/2017 02:25)
Good service, but sometimes only one dispenser with 1 person is standing by
Andri Setyawan (28/10/2017 12:03)
Restu Aditya (06/10/2017 06:41)
Good service, but long queue. Need more employee
Soffian Joyopranoto (27/09/2017 18:41)
They have fuel with high octane
Kiky Chan (19/08/2017 04:44)
Clean rest room and musholla, but there usually a long line here
Ahass 04373 (07/09/2017 03:17)
Good place and precision metering
hendra rizkiyanto (13/07/2017 23:49)
Ferry Kristian (08/07/2017 00:21)
Good service
Janan Arrosyadi (11/06/2017 23:38)
Can pay with credit card
Fajar Wibowo (16/05/2017 22:54)
Great petrol station
Agus Sulaksono (09/05/2017 10:11)
Gas Station
Didid Hawaranca (04/05/2017 10:14)
Cepat ramah
Mardan Umar Pabottingi (01/04/2017 07:01)
good place
Andika Ndra (10/01/2017 05:36)
Tersedia toilet umum, minimarket dan gas nitrogen
Agung Budianto (31/12/2016 07:01)
Isi bensin dulu bos..hehe
enriko hermy (19/12/2016 10:16)
Great Petrol station
Rendy Yohanes (20/11/2016 02:52)
Pelayanan sopan, mengsi selalu pas tidak tumpah,, 3s(senyum, sapa,salam)
Bimo Syahputro (27/12/2015 02:49)
Happy Hardiansyah (14/06/2016 07:25)
Pelayanan lengkap, besar, tapi premium sudah ga ada disini