Komentar :
Wulan Agusti (01/10/2020 14:39)
For the most complete medical equipment in Malang, yes only in medicom, the price is relatively affordable. But when I bought a digital tensimeter, it's a shame that the bonus bag tens don't match the picture, maybe the shipment of new products is right.
the important thing is affordable prices
Natassa Natassa (24/08/2020 07:05)
Already selling masks, per box price of 95 thousand
Hand sanitizers also have a price of around 48 thousand
Alcohol and alcohol swabs also exist
Merry Hermawan (09/08/2020 04:14)
The medical equipment and medicines are complete ... especially the One Med brand ... the prices are relatively moderate, tend to be cheap compared to pharmacies or other shops ... such as distributors ... only less friendly service ... if you look at the closing schedule at 16.30, I was there at 4:15 p.m. the shop door was closed ... only the next office was open ... but could not serve purchases ...
Frida Florentina (07/08/2020 03:49)
The shop phone is difficult to contact, when the WA phone responds too long ...
Ismail Maghriby (06/06/2020 05:59)
Only this time a doctor was refused to buy a spluit for clinical needs on the grounds he had to use a doctor's prescription. It's ridiculous for doctors to prescribe themselves to buy clinical needs ... please help me, jilbaban sellers are taught good ethics in dealing with doctors ...
Restu Nisa (16/04/2020 03:37)
Cari alkes di sini lengkap & harga tergolong murah atau terjangkau kok
Keke Lintang (25/03/2020 03:58)
D postingan buka tp d lokasi tutup,d tlp tidak aktif
vany santosa (24/03/2020 06:06)
pada jam kerja, nomor telepon yg tercantum ditelepon beberapa kali masuk namun tdk diangkat, lebih baik ONEMED tdk perlu mencantumkannya jika tdk bersedia di hubungi. saya tlp 24/03/2020 pukul 13.00an dan sebelumnya.
devita widhy (06/02/2020 09:09)
barangnya lengkap dan termurah se Malang raya. sangat merekomendasikan belanja disini untuk yang cari alkes karena onemed sangat berkualitas. Langganan saya sering sekali belanja kesini karena pegawainya sangat ramah.
tapi tempatnya kecil kalau ramai berdesakan, akhir2 ini AC nya kurang dingin hehehehehe
annisa firdauzi (28/01/2020 03:03)
Tempatnya cukup lengkap, sayangnya sedikit kurang luas. Pelayanannya baik dan cepat.
lailul indrawati (28/12/2019 00:53)
Barang bagus harga lebih murah, mbaknya yg melayani jg siiipp mengajari penggunaan alat tes.... Trm ksh Onemed..
Rudi Porter 15 (06/11/2019 11:56)
Barang murah kualitas Bagus
Henry Tjan (29/08/2019 09:32)
Mengecewakan. Jam 16.00 sudah tutup. Padahal tertulis jam 16.30. Saya mau beli tongkat urgent untung orang tua gak bisa padahal di dalam masih buka dan staff belum pulang.
Rofi Nurdiansyah (25/04/2019 09:26)
Kecewa.... Jam 4 sore sudah tutup, padahal tutup sebenarnya jam setengah 5.
Indah (30/01/2019 04:15)
murah dan lengkap. rekomendasi untuk cari alat kesehatan. grosiran harganya. posisi pas depan warung Spesial Sambel.
warna pelangi (24/04/2019 13:03)
murah-murah ðŸ‘
heru unnus (08/03/2019 00:12)
cari alat kesehatan, di sini aja
Reza Fani Bachtiar 08 (21/08/2018 13:10)
Harga tensi manual dan stetoscope one med barapa yah???
Imron Jazuli (23/07/2018 12:24)
untuk pinset ada gak ???
Gustria Weka Nareswara (07/03/2018 10:19)
Pelayanan ramah, staff gesit, barang sering habis, berarti laris manis nih...
nur fatihatul faedah (07/03/2018 01:14)
Pelayanannya ramah, harganya juga murah meriah.
Ipank Amin (22/10/2017 03:53)
Pak hari minggu buka tau tidaa
Muhammad Khudori (14/09/2017 23:11)
maaf. saya mau jadi reseller. caranya bagaimana ya?..
Ervin Andi (02/04/2017 14:12)
Tempatnya strategis, pelayanannya ramah, dan harganya sangat murah meriah, alat kesehatannya lengkap