Komentar :
Cantika Audrey (06/05/2018 08:36)
Awalnya agak merinding sis, ketika pihak travel merekomendasikan hotel ini. Soalnya serem sih rumornya.., mau minta ganti hotel takutnya sudah kerja sama dg pihak hotelnya, dan badan ini sudah sangat pegel. Saya pun check in, dan tibalah waktu yang paling mendebarkan..😂.
Kamarnya lumayan luas bisa buat gulung2, ada balkon yang unik cocok buat yg suka selfie spt saya.
Saya langsung mandi dan tidur lelap. Tadi pagi saya terbangun dan suami sudah menyantap sarapan nasi goreng. Syukurlah ternyata tidak terjadi apa2. Saya Sudah gitu aja..😋
Agro Permai CV (06/05/2018 07:42)
Terima kasih kpd Management Hotel Niagara, untuk keramahannya, waktu ngobrolnya. Kami sekeluarga sangat nyaman dan merasa tidak menjadi orang asing di hotel ini. Secara umum pelayanan bagus sesuai dg harga yang ditawarkan. Namun sebagai situs sejarah, gedung butuh perawatan lebih serius. Banyak yang harus dibereskan. Semoga dikunjungan berikutnya Hotel lebih baik, bersih, dan harganya tidak naik.., 😂
Sukses Untuk Niagara..!
Nugraha Kusuma (05/05/2018 08:31)
greget aja buat di coba... pelayanan ramah, bergaya hotel kolonial gitu... kayu dan tangga masih asli. hantu cuma mitos.
hendra purbaya (26/04/2018 13:59)
Nice ambience with beautiful historic architecture, definitely worth visiting in Malang or Lawang area.
andre alim (07/04/2018 07:37)
Looks very classy and unique but its very far from luxurious, at least they have wifi.. it can definitely use some renovations to improve its condition.. there are loads of ghost stories surrounding this hotel but they are just stories..
Bimo Digdoyo (25/03/2018 04:25)
old hotel , and surround with creepy rumors
Fajar AP (06/08/2017 09:16)
Luxury hotel of its time seen from its nuance. Lot of carving woods
Willy Arianto (23/07/2017 12:24)
I love the architecture, its kindda classy hotel...but still far from luxury, hope there's an investor who will take over the hotel and soon transform to be one of the luxury vintage hotel in Indonesia.
ferry Wijaya (13/05/2017 13:32)
Most famous for being a haunted hotel. Heard lots of horror stories about this hotel. I think people who stay here are those who like horror stuffs.
Ar Wic (13/08/2017 10:07)
Historical place. Once the tallest building in South East Asia.
Thyas Pramesthi (22/01/2017 15:06)
Hotel kereeennnnn
Katarzyna S. (14/09/2016 00:08)
If someone likes hotels like from the horror movie then you will enjoy this one.
If you expect high standards then be prepared for dirty sheets and broken windows in the room.
But it is ok in general.
Danny Dan (26/08/2016 05:33)
Creepy hotel...
yuni ananingsih (01/07/2016 04:13)
Nasa Celll (03/05/2016 11:23)
Good n classic
Armas Cellular (03/09/2016 09:04)
Suasana yg seremm
Sipur Nama (24/05/2016 00:24)
Nasgornya Haujek
Muhammad Ryan Fadhila (07/04/2016 01:42)
Medeni wong
Adi Surya darma (07/12/2013 03:59)
Kuno bgt. Cocok untuk mesum
Sepfian Herdyanto (15/09/2012 09:37)
Oke utk yg mau uka-uka :))