Komentar :
yuga thevi (03/01/2018 15:08)
I found the company randomly online and dropped them a message for transportation arrangements from Malang to Banyuwangi. Have to say that Rudy and Pak Agung were a gem. They were totally honest, the ride was comfortable and they were with us throughout Mount Bromo and Mount Ijen. They ensured that we reached our end destination Bali safely and even stayed on till our transportation was sorted out in Banyuwangi. We highly recommend them and we can assure you that you will truly be satisfied with their services.
alex susanto (19/12/2017 23:55)
Malang Travel is excellent, honest, and always willing to help you find the best travel options. It has a great follow up, they are certainly taking care of any and all my needs. You can try it.
Nursahidin (03/12/2017 13:30)
Overall recommend, the friendly driver and affordable price.
Diyah Arulita (21/10/2017 09:21)
Good travel i like it.. mas rudi as a tour guide is smart n nice person..thank u for accompany us..
Alfi Dwi Nur Kholis (14/03/2017 12:37)
Paket Backpacker seru.. thanks malangtravel guide
Dayah Liber Alfarizi (05/12/2017 02:29)
Terima kasih Pak sudah menemani kami selama di Malang, Bapak baik dan sabar dalam melayani keinginan kita semua, Bapak jg memberikan kita usulan setiap kita bingung mencari destinasi sehingga kita bisa sampai di stasiun tepat waktu walau ada beberapa tmpat yg belum terlihat tp kita puas. Sekali lagi terima kasih atas semua nya ya Pak, semoga kita bisa bertemu di lain kesempatan.
Dyah Pratiwi (03/12/2017 05:32)
Fasilitas yg diberikan sangat memuaskan, sesuai dengan harapan kami
fajar indra (17/07/2017 06:12)
Smg lancarrrr sukses teruuuussss, jaya diudara
Fatah illah (06/07/2017 05:30)
Good with some special price on it
M. Munir ST. (10/04/2017 10:12)
I have been meeting with my desan family near this place. Only that..
Angelius Wahyu (16/05/2016 04:16)
Good succes professional travel guide :)
tegar satria (07/02/2016 17:36)
Good Travel & Good Crew * tegar Family from Lombok
renold smart (01/02/2016 05:12)
good travel agent in malang recoommended travel. good guide, good price :))
Revilia Dian Rismayanti (06/04/2015 06:01)
Paket Seusai Budget Backapacker .. Thank you for helping Me Malangtravel Guide :-)
Subuh Wibowo (02/07/2014 13:33)
Professional travel guide with special price. loved it.
Ongis Travel (08/11/2016 18:14)
Pilih travel yang sudah terpercaya dan banyak direkomendasikan banyak orang.
Jangan sampai menyesal karena salah memilih travel.
Ongis Travel sudah terbukti.
Agen Villabatu (13/09/2016 12:20)
Ayoo di order
catur Haryanto (11/09/2016 18:52)
Pengen ke bromo
lysa adelia (15/07/2016 02:38)
Pelayanan Bagus harga bisa sesuai Budget bisa diatur,. Makasih Supportnya Mas Rudi Malangtravel Guide