Komentar :
apel muda (03/03/2018 16:28)
Kopi ijo e bos dicky muantap
Laksana Nugraha (17/02/2018 06:16)
Tempat mantap cozy buat ngopi, kopine enak pol, wenak buat nyangkruk lah pokoknyaaa
Apep (10/12/2017 13:38)
Kopi ne uwenak
Bram Arya (23/11/2017 03:21)
Good place for hanging out, with their "Poci" characteristic that serve you coffee or tea inside a pot and cup with vintage style.
Heru Santoso (18/11/2017 14:10)
Asik buat nongkrong.. Ada live musicnya dr temen" pemilik cafe