Komentar :
Annisa Nuri Nabila (01/06/2018 06:49)
Dont forget to use OVO
Aqidatul Izza (19/04/2018 22:24)
Price is reasonable and competitive, often there are many promotion. Goid place to shop.
Christian Wijayanto (18/03/2018 04:31)
nice grocery, but the price a little bit higher. food court available here
Tammy Idrus (03/01/2018 15:39)
The place is big and have quite some good variation of stuffs.
Sri Rahayu (01/01/2018 13:21)
We like that this place is large with plenty options for shopping. They said the price tags are low but, it is pricey compared to their competitors.
afrani syahid (29/10/2017 05:35)
A nice one stop shopping experience. I always have great feeling shopping here. The cashiers also work fastly. So that the queue won't be that long.
Boneng Kiyosaki (12/09/2017 15:18)
Enjoy shopping here. The shop was near a parking area, completed product start from electronics, food, fresh vegs, fruit till every day stuff. Spaceable place and near with foodcourt at the same floor if you feel hungry after take a shops.
rizky fadhilah (24/11/2017 00:34)
Anak kos yang middle - high class bisa belanja di sini, namun kalau mau yang lebih murah. Belanja di Sardo aja .. Mall nya anak KOS
chris vialda (17/11/2017 13:52)
I always shop here 😂😂
War Hero (02/10/2017 10:41)
Belanja sayur ada
Erwin Sugiartoe (19/06/2017 16:29)
Banyak pilihannya, harganya lebih murah, dan menjual sayur2an ataupun tanaman yg jarang kita jumpai di mini market2, seperti lidah buaya, asparagus dst
Arief Hidayatullah (11/05/2017 05:58)
Pelayanannya bagus sih, cuman harganya udah nggak kayak dulu lagi sebelum renovasi
Tommy Sugiono (23/04/2017 06:38)
Termasuk lengkap dan harga promonya murah.
Arry Diansyah (25/03/2017 02:57)
Belanja enak dan nyaman.. Di Hypermart aja..
Hypermart So Much More..
arianto pambudi (02/03/2017 04:56)
Bagus buat belanja harian, terutama pas weekend karena ada diskon
Ye Rachma (02/02/2017 19:54)
Ochi Rhu (17/01/2017 22:32)
Petugas di penitipan barang kurang tanggap dan tidak ramah
Din's (17/12/2016 11:30)
Belanja ? Hypermart ajaaa
Nuhan Herling (22/11/2016 22:11)
Buat belanja kebutuhan sehari hari