Komentar :
Irna Fraser (01/05/2018 21:58)
Great bread and tasty!
Slamet Widodo (13/04/2018 08:55)
tersedia aneka pilihan roti. enaaak!
Riko Hermoko (25/02/2018 12:56)
Delicious bakery
afrani syahid (17/02/2018 03:09)
The best holland bakery in Malang. The bread choices are varier than other holland bakery in Malang and all the cakes are delicious. my fav is the donuts. ♡
dwi sari (26/01/2018 12:32)
All products are free rum 😍
Dito Harum Prayogi (09/04/2017 16:57)
Overall they have a lot of breads option and it taste good!
Yosep Atmaja (15/10/2017 10:58)
Favorite place for bread
usi mawardi (11/09/2017 00:16)
Delicious bread
Theo Nugroho (08/09/2017 08:23)
Yoelkana Hariyono (05/09/2017 12:36)
roti holland enaklah
yudha ibnu (07/07/2017 06:27)
Aska Purdianto (15/06/2017 17:05)
Roti lumayan enak
Arief Hidayatullah (12/05/2017 06:28)
One of the best bakery in town
Briyan Arif (09/05/2017 10:00)
Lumayan enak
khoirul anwar (06/05/2017 08:04)
Roti terkenal dengan enak dan kelezatanya.. Roti khas dari benua eropa dan ada juga makanan jajanan khas tradisonal indonesia
Hadi Susanto (01/05/2017 00:43)
Pelayanan cepat
Acep Karmana (05/03/2017 14:59)
Cukup komplit dan pelayanan ramah
Ririn Ambar (07/01/2017 14:43)
Lokasi di jalan protokol. Suka roti kacang ijonya