Komentar :
Prayudi Utomo (25/05/2018 09:41)
Good service s
Yudi Ptk (13/04/2018 02:22)
Bagus dan memuaskan
Radityo Widiatmojo (31/01/2018 07:51)
/ Best thing is they are open until Sunday, it means everyday / Good enough at early diagnosis / Since they are one the popular Bengkel in Malang, better call first before come / waiting room provide mineral water and hot drinks / my fathers car, jazz 2006 always visit this bengkel, so far so good, my dad never complain / price: just so so with the other, some bit expensive some cheaper / friendly costumer services
overall: recommended
Abraham Breimer (20/01/2018 05:31)
tadi pagi mbengkel , 2jam mobil beres, tune up ok , diagnosa ok , montir oke , harga juga nggak terlalu mahal good job !
ARSY 089626927227 (17/11/2017 03:42)
Okta Rahma Dienanda (26/08/2017 05:10)
Fast response in coming for aid after calling when the car broke down in the street. Have nice little waiting room. Decent price for car service.
eko konyeng (04/12/2017 05:43)
Flashing matic biar sirkulasi oli lancar, biar matic tetap responsive....
ARSY MarketerBO_ Hp. 089626927227. BB 53915176 (17/11/2017 03:42)
Puguh Tiga (27/08/2017 12:37)
Lumayan recomend
Robby Hillman (01/04/2017 09:56)
bengkel ngawur klo analisa , Mahal lagii
Octaf Afin (09/02/2017 04:38)
Tegoeh Raswidhyantoro (04/06/2016 03:42)
alternatif bengkel resmi