Komentar :
Hafidz Pramudyo (13/05/2018 07:16)
seperti alfa pada umum nya
Soni Wicaksono (03/05/2018 18:08)
Ramli Akbar (11/01/2018 06:08)
Stephen Christian (24/10/2017 09:37)
Another Chinese restaurant that provide both Halal and non halal food. They also sell their signature noddle (Cwie Mie) Malang. the place is good and Cozy, the price is average.
Putrikholidya 18 (08/09/2017 13:20)
Nice supermarket
Novrizal Herdananto (19/06/2017 14:02)
Nice location, got atms.. nice chairs and charging port
Chania Widya (13/06/2017 01:09)
So so. Here you can purchase house and daily needs with a very good service, yet the price isn't really cheap-- too expensive.
mikha suryanto (23/10/2017 00:44)
Bromo Indonesia (21/07/2017 14:43)
Harga bersaing.. Parkir cukup luas
Ada yang jualan di luar...
Christian Pradanna (20/04/2017 17:01)
Tempat luas dan tersedia stopkontak untuk charger yg banyak
hazelnut chocolato (29/03/2017 13:13)
belanja di sini enak tapi sayang udah ada tulisan gede BEBAS PARKIR tetep aja ada jukirnya.
Andy Purbanegara (21/03/2017 00:03)
Near from my place
Ceecee Caacaa (02/03/2017 03:59)
Enak sihhh... Cuman tukang parkir brkliaran 😂😂😂😂😂
Rini Fatmawati (01/03/2017 01:15)
Ada atm, parkir lumayan luas, tempat tunggu d depan, pujasera kecil n pelayanan 24 jam
Adinda Zaeni (12/01/2017 02:40)
Ke sini pas lagi ngiyup. Lumayan buat beli cemilan
dewa anom (18/11/2016 16:31)
Fiky Ganda (08/11/2016 00:46)
Parkir luas. Sayur dan buah segar
Yanny Pringgono (03/10/2016 21:49)
Bagus. Tp sayang dikenakan parkir
rahmat ghifar (27/09/2016 18:37)
Ok bgt