Komentar :
Diyanto Alie (31/03/2018 06:22)
Nice place to release your stress...
Fffflllllyyyyyiiiiiing ....
Feeeelllll free...
Recomended to teenager to try, reasonable tandem cost rental. Only Rp. 350,000,-
tlc gm60 (04/01/2018 13:48)
The infrastructure is being developed. Nice view from top of the hills
Iwan Mulyana (22/12/2017 06:47)
Nice place for just have fun with family. But it's hard to find it. Road is too narrow for two cars. Hopelly there are many access to there.
Nurmazidah Banser (16/12/2017 11:53)
The road was too narrow, but have great scenery, photo spots, & paralayang rental
Endih Herawandih (25/07/2017 12:18)
Very nice view, nice place but lack of supporting infrastructure and facilities. Has a narrow and rocky access road. There are another tourists destination near the site to visit such as off road and motocross arena and waterfall
Bimo J.Kusumo (05/09/2017 10:43)
Pretty nice view of Majalengka from above, cheap entry ticket, nice food.
Gary Jurgen (25/07/2017 12:18)
Very nice view, nice place but lack of supporting infrastructure and facilities. Has a narrow and rocky access road. There are another tourists destination near the site to visit such as off road and motocross arena and waterfall
maghdar fajari (21/05/2017 14:01)
Pemandangan keren, bisa liat yg latihan tetbang menggunakan paralayang juga ..
boita mirtoni (18/05/2017 12:26)
Keren nih, yg mau nyoba terbang. Bisa...
intelli design (08/05/2017 11:47)
Nice place, nice view, nice atmosphere to relaxed and find some inspiration 😍
Dimas Arif Dilano (09/03/2017 07:21)
Gak ada paralayang
Ukky MS (16/02/2017 18:27)
Good place to take some photos with nice view, so crowded on the weekend, need more parking space
Cirebon 123 (13/01/2017 08:57)
Brp tiket masuknya?
Tatang Gustawan (13/01/2017 03:41)
A place u have to visit when u come to Majalengka. As a tips: come here early morning or in the night, find the awasome views!
dimas anggara (08/01/2017 10:23)
Baguss Gan pemandangan yaa matapp 👍👍
Piki Sugianto (07/01/2017 09:19)
View Majalengka n gunung/bukit sekitar yang kerem + hamparan sawah juga bikin adem meski cuaca panas. Fasilitas memadai, jalan lumayan baik.
latifah tamami (01/01/2017 21:06)
Ohh.. so beatiful 😍
Kim Nina (25/11/2016 05:56)
sekarang makin bagus
pengunjung sadarkan untuk tidak buang sampah sembarangan, biar tempatnya tetap indah
romy burhanudin (14/07/2016 13:35)
Ius Rustandi (20/08/2016 17:03)
Bangga Jadi orang sidamukti....
aceng suhendar (04/08/2016 13:18)
bagi para pengunjung sangat nikmat berkunjung ke sidamukti apalagi ke gunung panten nya nikmat
Fajar Adriyanto (28/07/2016 07:39)
Tempat olahraga Paralayang yang Indah, bersih, terawat ditunjang sarana prasarana memadai
Dani nugraha (08/07/2016 02:38)
Pemandangan alam yang bagus, untuk pengunjung dilarang BUANG SAMPAH SEMBARANGAN
Robi Sabara (06/07/2016 09:25)
Tempat asik. Rekreasi super hemat