Komentar :
Raiyan Zakaria (10/09/2020 04:56)
In general the service is very bad. The staff is not friendly and doesn't know manners. The doctor is angry and unclear, like a person who has problems at home and takes it out on other people, very unprofessional. Plus it was difficult to find doctors or staff, just met after asking the ticket fitter. Even though we pay in cash here, what about using BPJS or the like? It could be even worse the service. As a resident of Jatiwangi District, I really don't recommend this puskesmas. Better not to come here if you don't have to or it's really tight.
asep sunarya (02/12/2019 01:44)
pelayanan pendaftaran sangat buruk. staff sangat tidak sopan, tidak ramah.
MyHeartBreak TV (24/09/2019 02:40)
Halah euweuh andelaneun, ngantri ti isuk nepi beurang giliran rek dipariksa dokterna euweuh, ngeunah we petugas ngomong "enjing deui kadieu"
Nahrul Hayat (11/06/2019 04:50)
Pelayanan yg kurang memuaskan dan peralatan pertolongan pertama yg tidak lengkap,serba tidak ada dan serba tidak bisa
satya arya Wibawa (13/05/2019 01:23)
Pelayanan buruk, petugas loket datang terlambat, banyak petugas ngobrol dan bercanda.
Nadya Yustiani Rezkia (15/02/2019 05:29)
Maaf apa di puskesmas Jatiwangi bisa USG untuk ibu hamil? Sabtu buka nggak?
lisna wati (31/08/2018 22:49)
A Klw Sattu can ultrasound gk
Then open jm brpa
YFC Collection (30/12/2017 02:18)
USG Bumil setiap selasa dan kamis... Sabtu buka setengah hari.... Sudah tertib pakai nomor antrian... Tempat bersih
aa yanggi (30/12/2017 02:18)
USG Bumil setiap selasa dan kamis... Sabtu buka setengah hari.... Sudah tertib pakai nomor antrian... Tempat bersih
Aji Mustopa (06/01/2018 13:23)
Kalo di puskesmas menerima bjps nga??
Jon Mulyadi (12/03/2017 15:11)