Komentar :
Ali Usnan Lubis (23/04/2018 05:38)
Top playanan servis
Fery Setiawan (18/04/2018 13:12)
Dailer mercedes benz, kawasaki
seno prasetyo (18/01/2018 18:36)
The only *okay* place for service your kawasaki bike , will not come again if my bike didnt have a 1 year warranty , stressful waiting time just for regular service + oil change , didnt care if u have kawasaki big bike or small bike , the service is still the same , part indent is taken a very long time especially for a big bike , not the best of kawasaki owning experience
Pranata Catur Atmaja (03/01/2018 16:14)
Good mechanic. Trusted authorized service station
Pieter Surya (29/11/2017 02:20)
Great service, eventho I'm just a guest meeting a client servicing his car there, they treat us very nicely.
Andry Januarto (22/11/2017 13:07)
A nice place to buy a KAWASAKI motorcycle spare parts...
budirahardjo88 winasis (03/07/2017 02:50)
Well if you have a problem with your benz, this is the sole distributor which equipped with the full service center. This company also had the kawasaki service center if you have kawasaki motorbike
Ramadhan Candra (30/11/2017 04:47)
Good service for good people...
yulius - (14/09/2017 08:41)
Good service
den hensen (01/07/2017 10:57)
Always have my bike serviced here, good place and excellent service
Bondan Agustian Prakoso (27/03/2017 03:20)
setiap ke CKP pasti dilayani dengan sigap dan tanggap..the best buat CKP
Kharisma Mandiri (16/03/2017 00:17)
Tidak cepat tanggap menghadapi keluhan, sayang sekali untuk brand sekelas Mercedes-Benz
Syaeful Bagja (02/11/2016 12:23)
Tempat terbaik dari seluruh dealer kawasaki yang saya datangi, fasilitas sudah ok, perbaiki kembali pelayanan terhadap konsumen
Budhi Nugraha (26/10/2016 15:37)
Dealer resmi mobil Mercy dan motor Kawasaki
Davit Speed (16/09/2016 01:31)
One of favorite automotive showroom
Insan Syarif (06/09/2016 22:13)
Waiting area is good. There's smoking area too. Staffs were good but could be better. Waiting time? Very very long
Anggi Pramadhya (01/01/2016 23:50)
Sales and Service resmi merk mercedez dan kawasaki..
teddy syah (10/08/2016 22:59)
Produk Uber alles
Noval DwiRahman (10/08/2016 06:51)
Kalau mau daftar pkl(prakerin) langsung datang ke delernya?
Berny Ind (01/07/2016 01:41)
Service motor Kawasaki paling lengkap dan rapih. Ruang tunggu nya nyaman.
Rafli Rais (01/12/2015 07:17)