Komentar :
Ari Nani (19/04/2018 01:45)
When u need the best fashion product u can find here
Arif Harahap (12/04/2018 00:02)
This place were a textile factory complex, nowadays this place is already occupied by PT. Shafira Corporation and some other warehouses
Reza Nurhakim (03/04/2018 11:36)
Large warehouse
Dinar Rahayu (17/03/2018 03:39)
Perusahaan Industri Fashion SHAFCO, Shafira, Zoya, Mezora, Encyclo, Torch, Eloxan.
Handi Cipto (18/12/2017 10:27)
apakah benar mesin nya mau dijual saya berminat harga brp yach? digedung timur dan gedung barat apakah ada mesinnya? atau hanya digedung barat yg ada mesinnya.