Komentar :
Indra Andarun (08/04/2018 05:58)
Sudar Mono (20/12/2017 00:03)
Harga yg murah
Wiffie Cindo Produk (19/09/2017 16:35)
Kopinya jossa.... Nikmat murah....
Royandi Tanujaya (18/09/2017 01:44)
The best of Sosis Bakar in town. Nice place and very nice food presentation.
Imam Baihaqi (14/07/2016 15:07)
Just tried this place...Wow...it's good, it's affordable and it is an awsome place to hang out with your friends and family. Over dosis cafe is a place you must try! It's a recommended place!!
Laren Ku (15/07/2016 10:47)
Over sosis hotplate by over dosis cafe rasanya jangan ditanya,pokoknya jagoanlah..rempah2 nusantaranya terasa bgt.bt yg suka wisata kuliner wajib dicoba neh
Heru fajrul a.w (15/07/2016 07:35)
Tempatnya asyik bt nongkrong dg fasilitas wifi yg super ngebut dtambah lg dg sosis hotplate yg pedas dan kopi nya nendang bgt...recomended
produk batik (14/07/2016 15:10)
Mantap kopinya.... Sosis nya pedasssssss