Komentar :
Nurul Tazkia (31/05/2018 12:46)
Tempat grosir pilihan terbaik. Semakin banyak semakin murah. Banyak diskon juga
Salavat Bz (01/05/2018 07:46)
Cheap prices for beng-beng chocolate and vegetables
Icha Sinaga (03/04/2018 14:00)
If you want to buy bulk things,you can shop here. Otherwise just shop to regular stores. The price of the products is more expensive than other stores such as Griya and Borma. However, Lotte sells many bulky products which you cant find in other stores, such as floor cleaner in 5 litre container, etc.
David Pinondang (27/03/2018 11:43)
Complete item with reasonable price.
Most of the items are cheaper here compare elsewhere at Bandung. But, found cimory (drinking yogurt) with prive even more expensive with pricw diffrent almost 2000 rups compare to yomart and others else.
Generally, I would rate 3 star for this store.
Kiki Rachmawati (18/03/2018 09:45)
Large space for parking area. Fresh and good price for meat and seafood. Grosir concept, the more you buy the cheaper price you get. Cheap price for vegetables, but the varian are less than i thought, especially for korean product (where Lotte come from). No much promo you can get here, still Borma has the best price in Bandung I think.
Qiny Shonia (10/03/2018 10:44)
A cozy wholesaler with many varieties products. You can find interior goods like chairs, table, etc, electronics, automotives, kitchen appliances, bedrooms furnitures, stationaries, groceries, spices, foods, seafoods, they even sell breads.
Unfortunately they don't serve many veggies a lot and it's quite limited. Hence, they provide affordable and cheaper price especially when we bought in bulk.
Before we start shopping, we should make a member card at the frontliner. We better bring our tote bag/reusable bag because They use box instead plastics bag (and i love this!). Less plastics, less waste! They have spacious parking lot, easy to reach because near the main road.
Setiawan Rakhmadi (21/12/2017 09:35)
Good but their automotive accessories are for low to mid class, they had no automotive import products
wisnu kurnianto (30/11/2017 23:59)
Tempat luas, barang lengkap, parkir juga luas, harga relatif, ada yg murah ada yg lebih mahal dibanding supermarket lain, harus tau harga
Azalea Fisitania (10/09/2017 10:25)
Cheaper than other stores of course. It's a warehouse. It's spacious, not really eye-appealing (not a problem tho, the important thing is goods are nice & cheap). Watch for the pallet trucks & lifts!
Reza Nurhakim (01/09/2017 02:49)
This place doesn't provide a plastic bag
Anx Chasev (31/08/2017 05:50)
Jauh lebih baik Makro. Sekarang malah parkirnya jd bayar. Sebaiknya utk yg belanja ttp gratis, parkir bayar bagi yg tdk belanja
Hafizhah Nur Aghnia (05/07/2017 16:06)
barang yg umumnya ada di supermarket disini bisa aja ga ada, tapi sebaliknya yg gaada di supermarket disini banyak. harga satuan cenderung lebih mahal dr supermarket, tp grosirannya murah.
Muhammad Nur Abdillah (16/06/2017 23:17)
Parkir masih gratis
Layanan antar barang bisa lgsg k CS Horeka
Prastowo Dsars (01/06/2017 08:10)
Whole sale... tapi kurang lenkap sih
Hoeda Aulia (15/04/2017 11:47)
komplit dan lengkap
De'Dikkey Van Bandoeng (11/04/2017 05:35)
Belanja barang keperluan yang lengkap ada disini. Jalannya macet wae uy disini mah.
Januri Sugeng (06/02/2017 01:58)
yang belanja harus bawah tas belanja sendiri, karena tdk tersedia plastik kresek, cocok untuk yg belanja dgn menggunakan mobil
arya andriawan (28/01/2017 08:36)
Toha Abdulah (17/01/2017 17:34)
Tempat berbelanja yg lengkap, parkiran luas. Suka juga d pake joging di area parkir belakang
Dian S (22/12/2016 15:55)
Cukup lengkap dan luas.. parkiran luas dan gratis.. belanja disini harus bawa tas belanja sendiri karena tidak disediakan plastik.. murah cocok untuk beli grosir banyak.. di depannya ada tempat jual mobil second..
stefanus hengky (16/11/2016 02:40)
Real address
HARRI GUNAWAN (06/11/2016 02:43)
Lengkap mang
Ananda Krisna (21/10/2016 15:51)
Mantap lokasi nya dekat rumah, bumbu-bumbu & makanan lengkap, hampir semua ada walaupun impor
Dina Puspa Andini (01/08/2016 09:08)
Parkir luas, bersih, lengkap, harga murah, segala ada, ada bumbu bumbu korea juga..
Helentina 2280 (30/07/2016 09:03)
Semuanya lengkap
kyoungan In (13/04/2016 08:46)
andreas kurniawan (12/10/2015 13:45)
Lumayan jauh , kecuali pemukiman di sekitar ... komplit , lapangan parkir luas ... cocok untuk berbelanja grosir