Komentar :
Rangga Radita (01/06/2018 11:58)
Tempatnya enak dan luas, makanan lumayan, harga nya juga worth it. Cocok buat ngumpul bersama teman atau keluarga disini. Tapi kemarin pelayanan agak lama, 30 menit makanan baru jadi. dan saat mau bayar pun menghitung bill nya lama sekali sampai 15menitan. Bintang 5 bila pelayanan2 tadi bisa dibereskan
R.Hariansjah Azim (31/05/2018 07:31)
Nice place.. New renovation... The atmosphere was also good.... 😁
Adryan Gusti (09/02/2018 05:05)
Good for gluton pepole
Arvin Lee (25/10/2017 02:54)
decent food, but not so clean
Lucas Nasution (16/09/2017 07:20)
Tried the Sundanese food (Nasi Timbel Komplit). We liked the taste. The only complain is the plates were a bit too small. The restaurant is half in open air (high roof, no wall) so expect to hear the sound of the busy street. Also -obviously- no designated area for non smoker. So non smoker be ready. Not sure why this place also offer Burger. Seems odd to us.
Fajar Fauzi Hakim (31/08/2017 05:40)
Unique place to serve burger. It looks like the Big Burger part is under construction. While the place is not quite nice but the food is decent. High price.
Arief Budiman (22/07/2017 15:32)
This local brand can give you a simplicity of hamburger menu. The highlight is the patty which made from local ingredients. The rest is using ordinary product. The portion is slightly bigger than some local brand and you can get it in a cheap price.
agus upayana (09/07/2017 00:41)
Kenyamanan tempat, citarasa menu yg ada standar..
Sri Maryati (06/07/2017 06:07)
Good place, lemon tea is the best here and Timbel Ayam Bakar is yummy 👍
Fenita Asnatari (24/06/2017 11:47)
Not bad
Gissa Giswara (08/02/2017 08:31)
nyaman nikmat
minatrie (07/01/2017 13:47)
Lumayan buat ngobrol santai..tapi makin kesini kok makin sepi..padahal cukup layak buat ngumpul dan ngobrol..
Monika Ardine (20/09/2016 12:52)
Makanan oke, tempat juga lumayan, sayang harga agak tinggi untuk porsi dan jenis makanannya, belum lagi pajaknya.
Menu minuman sering banyak yg tidak tersedia saat akan dipesan
KANG WIRYA CONGOT (14/08/2016 09:49)
Menu beragam, utama menu laut, minuman segar, tempat untuk keluarga dan mini meeting memadai, parkir luas, ada mushola, cukup bersih, bisa booking tempat/pesan menu, harga wajar.
Dikdik Faisal (14/08/2016 02:13)
Very expensive
Anastasia Sulemantoro (17/10/2016 11:02)
makanannya enak2. harganya pas. tempatnya luas.
Camat Gojek Bandung (13/09/2016 13:49)
Aliya Sukma (03/08/2016 11:29)
erwan matin (28/06/2016 21:13)
Tempatnya santai
ady water (23/06/2016 02:26)
parkir gratis ...
ada tempat sholatnya
Dedi Iskandar (17/05/2016 13:58)
Masakannya Enak Maknyuzz
Irsyad Nashirul Haq (10/05/2016 15:02)
Lumayan mantab makanannya. Nyaman juga. Harga masih terjangkaulah. Tapi nyaman sih.