Komentar :
Gulrana Guzeil (04/04/2018 08:41)
Tempat nya deket jalan raya.... Mudah terjangkau mobil dan motor.
Harganya juga murah. Very Nice
Rhevin Fardhika (17/03/2018 07:29)
They have lots of wallpaper and wall stickers stuff from animals, artistic to glow in the dark one
I think the price not expensive and based on my experience if you buy a lots you can ask for discount 🙂
Aulia Syifa Rodhiya (23/02/2018 06:08)
Lots of choices for wallpapers, wallstickers, and glass stickers. Small parking tho
Wahyu Samodra (12/02/2018 07:39)
a lot of choice...
Rahmat Teguh (15/01/2018 02:05)
not bad
Rusfansyah Mustafa Dadum (15/11/2017 16:01)
Lumayan terjangkau harganya
Ridwan Pranata (01/11/2017 07:57)
Beragam jenis wallsticker di sini
Rodhi Satriani (08/10/2017 07:16)
Mampir lihat2
tamiee bunda (08/09/2017 14:29)
Wallstiker komplit harganya oke
Syauqy Harris (28/08/2017 19:58)
Nasi Padang nya enak
Anggun HMU (09/07/2017 23:10)
Bagus2 motifnya
mbaah petruk (30/06/2017 15:45)
Ridlo Metro (03/06/2017 04:53)
Dian Saraswati (25/11/2016 11:24)
Tempat mudah dicari, sayangnya pas kesana barangnya byk yg kosong alias kurang beragam
Eka Putra Arijadi (13/10/2016 09:48)
Harga terjangkau, tersedia banyak pilihan. Ada yg Glow in the dark loooh
Ai Riana (19/08/2016 03:19)
Lengkap dan harga teejangkau