Komentar :
Henry Erik Estrada (03/01/2018 08:06)
One of the free attraction in Taman Pintar. The condition actually already poor. However everyday there will be kids playing in this area. It's actually looked kinda fun, especially on a hot and humid weather. I don't see any proper changing room though, and the only toilet near it is very dirty.
Harry (25/12/2017 21:54)
Nice play park for kids,
Location integrated with Smart Park.
A Glenn (19/07/2017 22:47)
This is one of the rides provided at Taman Pintar for kids (because the place is small). The kids will enjoy it because they can use the water gun provided to play with the water. This place is also safe so it doesn't matter. The location of this park is at The Complex Of Taman Pintar Jogjakarta that easily accessible because of located at the city center.
Mas Dinnu (30/06/2017 09:40)
This water dance is only for kids...
meja kursi (25/06/2017 21:56)
It's fun
rahmat rome (25/08/2017 03:26)
Tempat bermain air di taman pintar yang asik,banyak wahana seru lainnya sperti planetarium kapal
masjo yo (05/08/2017 04:29)
Tempt wisata taman pintar di jogya ini wajib di kunjungi.cocok untuk anak2 dan dewasa selain air mancur di dalam banyak benda bersejarah .ada juga simulasi gempa juga.tempatnya deket dengan malioboro dan kraton.juga ke gembiraloka kira2 cuma -+3km. Dah sampai.
AG (19/07/2017 22:47)
This is one of the rides provided at Taman Pintar for kids (because the place is small). The kids will enjoy it because they can use the water gun provided to play with the water. This place is also safe so it doesn't matter. The location of this park is at The Complex Of Taman Pintar Jogjakarta that easily accessible because of located at the city center.
Agung Setiyo (20/05/2017 02:18)
yang suka air, cocok banget ke taman air menari ini
Wicak Sono (07/05/2017 08:13)
Sangat menyenangkan di taman pintar fapat belajar dan bermain
mohammad bagus sasmita (04/05/2017 07:05)
Sejuknya bermain air di sini
Indra Yanto (04/05/2017 05:46)
Cocok nih buat anak2
Sejuta Aplikasi (27/11/2016 00:39)
Hiburan gratis bagi anak-anak yang berada di area Taman Pintar, anak-anak bisa main air sesukanya.
Ada tempat bilas anak, sehingga memudahkan untuk bilas setelah selesai main air.
Jaga kebersihan setiap saat karena faktor kebersihan masih kurang maksimal.
Zulfa Rifa (23/11/2016 04:17)
Asyik buat bermain sama anak2,
Rony Zebua (29/10/2016 14:43)
Para Ortu, jangan lupa anaknya menggunakan pakaian yg sopan
Irwanto Forester (15/07/2016 05:59)
Anak-anak senang.
Abu Hanifah Alim (05/03/2016 11:30)
Cocok buat bocah..