Komentar :
Lukitorani Boerhan (06/05/2018 09:31)
Wall Climbing nya kereeennn...
dian d setyadi (27/04/2018 13:00)
Good place for sporting
Dedi Eko Yunanto Priyadi (16/04/2018 10:37)
Located inside UII integrated campus complex, the sport building is spacious. The ventilation works quite well, the toilets are available. Parking is free inside UII Complex. If you have Guest wifi access or Eduroam account, you can use the wifi inside.
Widodo HP (05/03/2018 14:35)
Bisa buat badminton, basket, volley futsal.... tempat bagus...
Ira Wati (15/10/2017 13:12)
Nice place
Wing Wahyu Winarno (16/09/2017 01:27)
This building is spacious enough to hold big sport events.
Bun Naya (05/10/2016 08:37)
Climb on, yeach..
Ahmad Raf'ie Pratama (17/07/2013 23:13)
Good place for various events, either sports, arts, or competitions.
ann cahyani (30/10/2017 11:40)
Cukup luas dan asri
Sheba Nur Majjid (16/09/2017 05:50)
Tempatnya bagus, nyaman pokoknya sipp deh yang mau sepedaan jogging dll
rizky adhi (31/07/2017 04:20)
Enak buat olahraga
taufiq rahman (15/06/2017 17:00)
Lantai kayu
Ridho Dwi Dharmawan (03/06/2017 09:58)
Cukup luas
Januariansyah Arfaizar (17/03/2017 02:03)
Super Mantab
syakal grafika (16/03/2017 04:00)
tempatnya yang sejuk dan enak untuk acara
Yunan Zainuddin Afandi (27/11/2016 19:04)
Ya lumayan buat lomba antar jurusan
AHMAD NURUL HAKIM (15/09/2016 02:39)
Kurang gede
AHMAD NURUL HAKIM - IG an.hakim (15/09/2016 02:39)
Kurang gede