Komentar :
Toto Prayogo (19/02/2018 01:17)
This is my school, the school has no cold air conditioning that makes learning easier to understand.
The atmosphere of the study room is quiet without the noise of noisy vehicles.
Teachers who teach very cool and fun.
S H (10/02/2018 05:26)
Smanca, scanica
Alfarisa Nugravita Salsabila (30/09/2015 04:40)
My proudly school
David Suryo Negoro (20/09/2015 09:07)
nice school
Diqi Hadi (07/02/2015 03:52)
My school
Sabrina Cahya Kirana (16/10/2017 08:48)
Deket rumah ku.... hehehe
Wening Pusoko (16/01/2017 17:25)
Sekolah yang berwawasan adiwiyata dan ramah anak serta menjunjung tinggi nilai" Budaya indonesia
Mas Tole Bakso (02/01/2017 05:00)
Pemotongan ayam "ALIMAH JAYA" depan sma 1cangkringan sleman jogjakarta
lulut istinawati (13/03/2016 08:40)
Dendi Satria (01/10/2015 01:01)