Komentar :
Ajeng Dian (17/03/2018 10:11)
Love it! Amazing food, good taste the best taste of ramen that i ever eat 💓
Rosalia Angela (01/02/2018 06:15)
Murah asli kantong pelajar bgttt, rasa bentuk dan isian aslii mantabbbbb. Recommended bangett
Huni Wejang (27/12/2017 08:57)
Ramen terenak. Blm bisa nemuin yg seenak inii ❤️❤️
Jiiu Anakaneh (11/11/2017 01:48)
Best ramen. I'm coming here from Yogyakarta, 1 hour away and crossing the province just to give it a try, and by the taste of the food alone, it's worth it. It's located in food stall at the side of the street, pretty rundown location too. And at noon where schools are over, there are lots of students coming here, so it's kinda crowded at the time. Recommended. Even my friend who went to Japan in the past said that it's taste is particularly close to ramen he tasted there and jokingly said he's gonna steal the recipe.
Candra Darmanto (01/08/2017 08:03)
ini ni yang namanya naruto ramen rasa asin gurih dari sulenya(susu kedelai) dapat 🙌😙
RTrans siap delivery silahkan download aplikasinya di google play untuk cek biaya trackingnya
Aulia Nisa (04/10/2017 08:41)
Rasa ramennya enak bngt, harganya jga murah 13 buat porsi biasa, 15 buat porsi jumbo 😍😍😍
Wahyu Margadian (17/04/2017 03:34)
Ismail Sunni (25/08/2016 13:02)
Enak telur nya. Kuah juga oye. Lumayan.... Dan halal