Komentar :
Nurul Kumala Dewi (13/03/2018 04:23)
The library is located in the 1st floor of A10 building. It separated in two rooms, in the northern of stairs is books library & in the southern is study room, both have air conditioner, room's fragrances, & UGM hotspot's access. All the librarians are kind too. The books library is quite. There are comfortable carpets & long chairs to take a sit while you were reading or doing reports. The study room is very crowded especially in the daytime. There are chairs, tables, carpet, and public computers. You can access on-line thesis & dissertation of Faculty of Agriculture's students. The restroom is between library and study room right in front of stairs. It is allowed to common people, other faculty's students to use the facilities with some requirements..
Bernardia Arumsari (07/01/2016 19:14)
Saya lebih suka perpustakaan pusat UGM. Setiap kali pinjam buku pasti kesana. Kalau disini saya hanya memanfaatkam ruang belajar.
Ali Ma'sum FQ (23/03/2017 03:31)
Ruang belajar jadi semakin Bagus, bikin betah belajar. Semoga kedepan lebih banyak dan lengkap koleksi buku buku nya.