Komentar :
Devi Setia Kusuma (19/04/2018 21:24)
Pelayanan kurang ramah, jutek banget mbak2 karyawannya heran
Nikodemus Gunawan (14/04/2018 15:33)
a lively, trendy and catchy store that open not so long ago, it come up with numerous products like table lamps, headphones, handbags, earphones, USB cable, cell phone case and many other products. upon entering, what you might notice were the bright white store racks, and despite the merely tight space around aisles, the store accommodates a tidy, light-filled room. me and my mother bought a small purse that hold the car license document of our family vehicle and it costs about twenty five thousand rupiahs
Dimas Satriyo Prabowo (13/03/2018 12:13)
Bagus dan keren
terra angganis (08/12/2017 05:51)
Penataan rapi dan bersih
Aprizal Ma'ruf (03/12/2017 07:42)
Tenant terbaru di Artos, berlokasi di lantai dasar seberang Carrefour, sebelah Tong Ji Tea House