Komentar :
Syifa Ul Husna (24/04/2018 08:27)
The place is very peaceful. Many "kajian" here.
The wudlu area is so huge, clean and separate between men and women. Unfortunately the stairs to the wudlu area no to that has a disability.
Parking his also spacious. But because jamaahnya very much, often difficult parked vehicles.
Zahra Nisa (12/04/2018 06:44)
Barakallahu fiikum
Syifa Yoko Putri (27/03/2018 13:17)
Such barokah place. Beautiful view, comfort place, full of Quran reciters around, full of wonderful islamic studies
Kobe Bochan (03/03/2018 09:32)
The atmosphere is very calming, it can activate your inner peace somehow. I love this masjid.
Naufal Haris (24/02/2018 08:33)
One of the most comfortable mosque in Jogja. Located in quite strategic place (Jl. Deresan, north FT UNY & FTP UGM). The parking lot is wide & spacious, prayer area is also wide and has really calm atmosphere.
Nur Azmi Ainul Bashir (04/01/2018 03:09)
The spacious mosque, used also by students / santri PesantrenQu. Spacious parking area, and always crowded at prayer time.
Brandon Purba (08/11/2017 07:10)
very comfortable. good for your faith and soul
Farrel Mujahid (19/10/2017 13:07)
Some big spiritual lecture took place in here. The parking lots are wide and easy to access and the place itself is cool.
Fathur Rahman (19/09/2017 06:04)
Very spacious, clean and comfortable. This mosque is well-keep. The atmosphere is very calming. You can hear students and visitors reciting Quran everytime.
Seno Pamardiyanto (15/09/2017 04:18)
Spacious mosque and parking area, moderate sound system, fully air conditioned
Bagus Santoso (24/08/2017 11:31)
I fall in love with its ambiance, the mosque is very nice, calm and quite. I enjoy praying in this beautiful mosque. 😊
oci Sinyo (30/07/2017 06:27)
Beautiful and inspirational mosque..many islamic agenda were held there
luqman fikri (10/07/2017 05:55)
Great place for praying Sholat and Learning Islam
Ayu Arfiana Timtoni (06/06/2017 01:40)
comfortable place
faizal perdana (02/04/2017 23:11)
Clean n clean
Hidayat Budi Tranggana (21/03/2017 04:46)
For those who seek 'kajian'
Benny Adityawarman (28/02/2017 02:10)
Saya tinggal di Magelang, kalau ada keperluan di Jogja tidak jarang saya sholat dan/atau sekedar ngaso di masjid ini.
Iefa Kahana (28/01/2017 05:26)
Very good lah seneng kesini
Mr. Ngaliman (11/01/2017 13:06)
Masjid yang senantiasa meriah akan ruang-ruang ibadah, banyak para penghafal Alquran yang beraktifitas mengaji terutama menghafal Al-Quran di masjid ini, di sekitar masjid terdapat Tumah TahfidzQu, SMP TahfidzQu juga TK AnakQu
Syakilla Fithria (26/11/2016 09:20)
Better view and a great place to pray
Imam Ma'ruf Fuady (15/01/2016 14:05)
Great Mosque
eka sismadi (05/11/2016 00:43)
Masjid yg sangat nyaman. Sy sholat dsini sejak sblum dibangun th baru 2002. Sampe jadi bgs spt skrang.
Hidayat Sukses (04/11/2016 09:42)
Masjid nya luas, kemarin kesini pas ramadhan, dan ada kajian tiap menjelang maghrib + bukber gratis. Tempat wudhu nya jg luas..
Prina Aprina (20/08/2016 08:58)
Barokallahu fiikum
Arsyad Al Ghiffari (28/06/2016 08:57)
Masjid dengan fasilitas oke, karpetnya tebal, nyaman buat sujud... 👍
Bimo Winardianto (29/05/2016 13:50)
Setelah renovasi, masjid ini benar2 terlihat bagus dengan underground wudhu dan lantai tingkatnya. Masjid yg makmur dan memakmurkan daerah sekitarnya. Barakallahu fiik.
Suryono (29/05/2016 12:04)
Agendanya bagus2
ryan oke (16/05/2016 01:43)
Suka dengan tamannya. Ada kolam besar, ikan-ikannya juga besar.
yunan musiyanto (04/04/2016 05:17)
masjid yg makmur.
mudah2an masjid masjid lain bisa seperti ini.