Komentar :
Hutami Insan (10/05/2018 13:30)
Good place for outbound
yuni kustanto (27/04/2018 20:59)
nice place
Khatab Widiarto (22/03/2018 10:24)
Saya bapak Khatab Widiarto di karawang saya telah melaksanakan petunjuk pengunaan pupuk nature stek dari pak bambang. Dan berhasil tumbuh terimakasih tapi setelah sebulan sudah tumbuh tunas panjang panjang , setelah itu tunasnya mati. Kenapa ? Mohon penjelasan atas nasehat pak bambang kami ucapkan terimakasih
ILHAM NURHIDAYAT (25/02/2018 09:08)
Nice place
Imam sulistyo (22/02/2018 06:10)
nice garden n food
nur fajar pamungkas (15/11/2017 13:49)
Let's play to get here... Fun game, natural...
Alkhapila Nahri Zulhazmi (06/08/2017 15:59)
Very nice place to have fresh air and chill. They have a lot of trees, flowers, fruits, big pond (you can play a wood raft), and of course delicious traditional meals and beverage. You can also play some games in the outbound area (you have to reserve first) including play in the river.
andry _tt (27/10/2017 12:19)
Asikkk tempatnya
Sri Lestari (22/10/2017 12:20)
Tempatny asri...
nelly silfiawati (18/09/2017 11:50)
Yg mau prewed atau weding party dg nuansa alami dn sejuk cocok disini
Rianto Anto (28/06/2017 12:55)
Ukey bwt destinasi wisata
Khotim Mutiah (18/04/2017 11:31)
Krn qta mau outing class dan outbond disitu
Arman Sobo Lenovo (09/11/2016 14:19)