Komentar :
Luqman Fahd Muktiwibowo (02/02/2018 15:19)
The service must be on time. The shop closed for a 3-day employee vacation, plus official holiday, so my shoes was done after waiting for 10 days (from the normal time of 5 days). When I came to the shop in the morning at the predetermined date, my shoes were not ready. I have to wait for another 3 hours. And my shoelaces are gone! They replaced it with a clean white shoelaces. Luckily the shoelaces were clean, but how come my shoelaces were gone? The shop definitely needs a huge improvement.
Juragan Stuff TV (26/01/2018 07:46)
Pelayanan ramah, Murah, Hasil memuaskan 👌. Rekomendasi tempat cuci sepatu terbaik daerah jl. Kaliurang . Sukses terus gan
Falfa Pacino (05/10/2017 00:25)
Dirty shoes? Bring it over here and they will clean it like brand new
harsa ptl (12/07/2017 10:31)
Pelayanan ramah dan murah
Ryan Kusumah (12/04/2017 11:46)
Cucian bersih dan pelayanannya ramah, plus kalau cucinya kurang memuaskan diberi potongan harga dari tokonya, layanannya terjamin, sangat recommended.